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Feb 24, 2015 by |

Whistleblowers Filing Qui Tam Suits Over Medicare Advantage Fraud


More than a half-dozen whistleblowers nationwide have recently filed qui tam/false claim lawsuits alleging systematic over-billing by Medicare Advantage plans, according to San Francisco based qui tam/fraudulent claim lawyers. Medicare Advantage allows the government to pay different amounts for senior care based on each patient’s risk score.

It is alleged that overcharges have cost taxpayers billions of dollars, and whistleblowers in Florida, California, and other states have filed qui tam/false claim lawsuits. The Federal Claims Act allows people who are not affiliated with the government to file actions against federal contractors claiming fraud against the government. San Francisco false claim/qui tam attorneys urge anyone who believes to have a claim related to Medicare or other fraudulent claim to come forward without fear of retaliation.

In California, a former employee of MedXM, a company providing in-home medical care, filed a whistleblower lawsuit in 2013. The suit alleged that the company’s practices were to exaggerate how sick patients were in order to inflate their risk scores and thus receive higher government payments. According to San Francisco false claim/qui tam attorneys, this is a common way Medicare fraud occurs. The Evans Law Firm, Inc. did not file these cases.

The Evans Law Firm, Inc. handles qui tam (whistleblower/false claims) cases. If you think you or someone you know has a whistleblower or qui tam claim, contact The Evans Law firm, Inc. for a free and confidential consultation at 415-441-8669 or

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