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Mar 26, 2015 by |

Two Women Arrested in Financial Elder Abuse Scam; LAPD Seeks Additional Victims


Los Angeles detectives are urging victims of an elder abuse scam to come forward, after two women were arrested earlier this month and charged with attempted elder abuse, attempted grand theft and conspiracy.

The two women, Margaret Souza, 48, and Teneca Wilson, 31, are alleged to have met an 83-year-old woman in a Cerritos bank parking lot and asked her to withdraw money from her bank account in what is called a “Pigeon Drop” scam. The woman had been told by Souza and Wilson that they had come into some wealth, and would split it with her if she put up “good faith” money. Police were called when the bank teller became suspicious. Souza and Wilson were then arrested, and the woman’s money was returned.

The LAPD believes that there are additional elder abuse victims of Souza and Wilson, and urge them to come forward. They also hope to educate the public in general on the dangers of financial elder abuse, and in particular, this type of ruse.

Evans Law Firm, Inc. has offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Sonoma, and handles all types of elder abuse cases, including financial elder abuse and financial fraud cases. If you or someone you know has been a victim of elder abuse, please contact the Evans Law Firm, Inc. at 415-441-8669 or at

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