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Aug 21, 2014 by |

Steps You Can Take If You Suspect Elder Abuse from Care Providers


California and San Francisco elder abuse lawyers caution people to be aware of any possible elder abuse happening to their loved ones. Elder abuse is more prevalent than one may think. If you notice or feel like something is amiss about your loved ones, such as a messy room or even unkempt clothing, be alert for possible elder abuse. Elder abuse is defined as anyone causing negligent or intentional potential or actual harm to an elder. Anything can constitute elder abuse and anyone can be responsible. California and San Francisco elder abuse lawyers suggests taking into consideration the following list of elder abuse facts that may help determine whether there is elder abuse:
• There are an estimated 5 million elders who are victims of elder abuse
• Only one in 24 cases of elder abuse is reported
• One out of 14 cases of elder abuse comes to the attention of authorities
• For every 10 elders, there is one abused elder
• Neglect is the most common type of abuse, and victims are typically white females
• Risk increases with advancing age
• A clear sign of neglect is lack of basic care, which involves inadequate nutrition and water, lack physical cleanliness and comfort, and an unsafe environment

California and San Francisco elder abuse lawyers recommend gently and discretely asking your loved ones if anything is going on should you suspect elder abuse. Sometimes, the elder may not share any information out of fear or embarrassment. In such cases, try these extra steps to prevent elder abuse from happening or continuing:
• Interview care provider candidates before hiring them and if you suspect them of causing the elder abuse, contact the agency they are from, report the abuse, and request a different provider
• Watch for signs of elder abuse and if you suspect elder abuse, report it
• If there is medication, make sure the amount of medication for each prescription corresponds with the prescription date
• Watch for potential financial elder abuse by asking if you can look for unauthorized transactions by scanning bank accounts and credit card statements
• Call the Elder Abuse Hotline at 877-477-3646 who can assess the seriousness of the situation and contact Adult Protective Services if they find it is necessary

Most importantly, call and visit your loved ones as much as possible. Help California and San Francisco elder abuse lawyers stop elder abuse by remaining proactive in your loved ones lives.

The Evans Law Firm handles financial and physical elder abuse, annuity fraud, consumer fraud class actions, insurance fraud, banking fraud, and personal injury cases. If you suspect elder abuse is happening to you or your loved ones, contact the Evans Law Firm, Inc. for a free, confidential consultation at 415-441-8669, or by e-mail at

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"I contacted Attorney Ingrid Evans for advice about a financial elder abuse case. She was extremely knowledgeable, bright and informative. I highly recommend her. I am an attorney myself, and know when I am talking to a another excellent attorney."
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