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Mar 2, 2017 by |

Santa Clara IRS Whistleblower Attorney: Whistleblower Awards

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Whistleblower Awards Higher Than Ever

IRS Whistleblower Awards

We can all agree that an increase in whistleblower awards is good where wrongdoing is exposed and prosecuted. This is especially true in the tax arena; it means that citizens are doing their job and reporting cases—good cases—to the IRS. According to the 2016 annual report, IRS whistleblower awards increased 322% (!) over 2015. In 2016, the IRS gave out 418 whistleblower incentive awards totaling a staggering $61 million. The IRS also saw an increase of around 6.4% in the amount of cases reported.

The IRS has also energized its processing and prosecution of fraud and underpayment files. The Service is making a concerted effort to cut down on backlogged cases. A decrease in backlogged cases increases the likelihood that new cases can be dealt with promptly and efficiently, and that is exactly what we have seen in this past year, based on numbers alone. If you believe you have information of tax fraud, and are ready to come forward, be aware, however, that whistleblower cases still take years to settle and be paid out.

At any rate, an increase in both reporting and payout are positive advances in the war against tax fraud. Whistleblowers can help the government recover money lost to fraud, and at Evans Law Firm, we are here to help assist in that process, whether you reside in Santa Clara County or beyond.

Contact Us

If you or a loved one needs advice or representation regarding IRS whistleblowing in Santa Clara County or in any California county, contact the Evans Law Firm elder attorneys at (415) 441-8669, or by email at Our attorneys have experience with complex financial contracts and large insurance companies. We can help guide your case through a jury trial or toward an equitable settlement. We handle cases involving physical and financial elder abuse, qui tam and whistleblower law, nursing home abuse, whole life insurance and universal life insurance, and indexed, variable, and fixed annuities.

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