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Jan 3, 2017 by |

San Jose Tax Law Attorney: IRS Whistleblowing


If You See Something… Blow the Whistle?



Whistleblowing in the workplace may not be something you hear about often. For anyone who may not know exactly what this entails, whistleblowing is an employee informing someone else about illegal or unethical acts being done by their employer or company as a whole.

What Counts and What to Do

Some of these “illegal acts” can pertain to taxes, in which case, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is informed and can prosecute the company for evading payment of their taxes. This type of whistleblowing is on the rise, and it is actually a very important act to be reported. It is so important, even, that the government is starting to dole out cash prizes to those people who blow the whistle on their employees and uncover millions of dollars of unpaid or evaded tax money. The IRS is even more interested in those individuals working with an off-shore account or hiding money from the United States Government, which is an unsurprising concern of theirs.
Essentially, in order to blow the whistle on an employer or company, there are a few steps. First, you have to blow the whistle. You have to tell someone that something is going on. In these cases, save telling your chatty neighbor and, instead, pick up the phone and call someone who can help you: a competent lawyer, like the lawyers at Evans Law Firm. We have handled whistleblower cases in the past and are very capable of representing anybody in an IRS whistleblower case.

So, should I…?

As long as you are informed, have some solid evidence, and find someone to take your case, it can move forward. If the case is taken, prosecuted, and you win, then you will have the satisfaction of being an upstanding, moral human being who did the right thing. You can go to sleep feeling good about yourself and what you did.
Isn’t that enough? If the answer to that question is no, then that is okay; you could potentially get an award. The amounts vary, but getting paid to do the right thing seems pretty fair to me. So yes. The answer is yes. If you see something, then blow the whistle.

Contact Us

If you or a loved one has experienced or seen any tax evasion in California, contact the Evans Law Firm IRS whistleblower attorneys at (415) 441-8669, or by email at Our attorneys have experience with complex financial contracts and large insurance companies. We can help guide your case through a jury trial or toward an equitable settlement. We handle cases involving physical and financial elder abuse, qui tam and whistleblower law, nursing home abuse, whole life insurance and universal life insurance, and indexed, variable, and fixed annuities.

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