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Jun 18, 2015 by |

San Francisco Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers Share Ways to Recognize Elder Abuse


For those with elderly parents or loved ones being cared for in their own homes or in assisted living facilities, San Francisco nursing home abuse lawyers emphasize that it is important to recognize signs of elder abuse.

Elder abuse can be perpetrated by family members and caregivers, and can be very dangerous, even if not always intentional. Signs of elder abuse may not be easily noticed, as they can appear similar to normal symptoms of aging, especially in those with dementia.

San Francisco nursing home abuse lawyers share the following signs that your elderly parent, grandparent, or loved one may be being abused, and urge those who recognize signs to take action.

Signs can be physical, such as bruises, burns, broken bones, rope marks on the wrists, untreated bedsores, unusual weight loss, medication overdoses, or falls.

There can also be behavioral signs of elder abuse, including personality changes, paranoid or guarded behavior, withdrawing from social contact or other normal activities, changing to a poor outlook on life, dirty clothes or bedding, poor hygiene or grooming, secrecy or lying, behaviors suck as rocking, mumbling, and thumb sucking, or fear or strange behavior around a specific person.

Elder abuse, however, is not always physical, and can often be financial. San Francisco nursing home abuse lawyers say that loved ones should also look out for changes to a will, sudden changes in finances such as large bank withdrawals, and missing property.

Evans Law Firm, Inc. handles elder abuse lawsuits and nursing home abuse lawsuits. If you or a loved one has been a victim of elder abuse, please contact Evans Law Firm, Inc. at 415-441-8669 or via email at

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