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Feb 21, 2014 by |

San Francisco Landlords Charged With Elder Abuse For Ellis Act Evictions


San Francisco landlords have been charged with elder abuse for evicting tenants according to the Ellis Act.  Community activists gathered at the Hall of Justice in San Francisco to complain about Ellis Act evictions, claiming that the evictions constitute elder abuse when the person being evicted is over the age of 65.  Community activists claim that real estate speculation is hurting the elderly and young families.  San Francisco elder abuse attorneys say that the public should be on the watch for elder abuse in the city.

The Ellis Act is a state law that permits landlords to remove rental units from the market to go out of business.  Activists claim that the law has been utilized by speculators to buy apartment buildings in San Francisco filled with long term tenants and legally evict the tenants.  After a short wait, the landlords can then rent out the vacant units for whatever price they choose.

One of the activists demanding changes in the Ellis Act is a 75 year-old African American disabled elder.  She has lived in San Francisco for her entire life and is now, due to Ellis Act provisions; she will be evicted from her home of the last 43 years.  She claims that she has nowhere to go and that she is being harassed.  Activists claim that thousands of families with children and disabled elders have been served with Ellis Act eviction notices.  This results in stress, trauma, and sometimes homelessness.  San Francisco elder abuse attorneys warn the public to look out for elder abuse.

Activists claim that Ellis Act evictions are increasing in the city.  They also claim that Ellis Act evictions cause more poverty and homelessness.  When the activists went to city hall, they presented complaints of 12 disabled senior citizens whose lives have been altered by Ellis Act evictions.  The District Attorney’s Office has said that it will investigate any clear acts of elder abuse.  Whether or not Ellis Act evictions constitute elder abuse has yet to be determined.  Some city leaders are calling for Ellis Act reform, claiming that the evictions should be restricted.  That would require legislative action at the state level.  San Francisco elder abuse attorneys say that elder abuse is a growing problem.

Friday, February 14, 2014 at noon activists will go back to the Hall of Justice to meet with the District Attorney to discuss the elder abuse allegations.

Evans Law Firm, Inc. handles elder abuse, financial elder abuse, physical elder abuse, annuity fraud, consumer fraud class actions, insurance and banking fraud cases.  If you think that you have witnessed or are the victim of elder abuse, or financial fraud then contact Evans Law Firm, Inc. at 415-441-8669 for a free and confidential consultation, or email us at

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