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Nov 21, 2015 by |

San Francisco IRS Whistleblower Lawyer, False Claims Act Settlement

A False Claims Act Settlement Between Millennium Health and DOJ

Millennium Health, also known under the name of Millennium Laboratories, has chosen to settle with the Department of Justice for $256 million to resolve the allegations under the False Claims Act. These laboratories carry out urine drug testing and pharmacogenetics testing for federal services.
Millennium was accused of billing lots of federal health programs for excessive and unnecessary drug testing. Moreover, they were accused of asking the physicians to induce business in exchange for kickbacks.
The Millennium Laboratories have agreed to settle, ending the legal proceedings conducted by the DOJ and ending the 7 separate qui tam actions. In qui tam actions, the whistleblower who reports a scam of government contractors to the federals agents is called the relator and receives a reward between 10 to 30 per-cent of the government’s total recovery.
For a free and confidential consultation with an experienced San Francisco Qui Tam attorney, please call 888-503-8267 or 415-441-8669 or send an email under the Contact Us portion of this website.

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