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Dec 31, 2022 by |

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: How To Approach Subject Of Financial Elder Abuse With O)lder Loved Ones


Create A Safe Space To Communicate

Questions To Ask

Problem Solve Together

Although there are various forms of abuse of older persons, financial elder abuse is one of the most common ways the elderlyare abused. We here at Evans Law Firm, Inc. recommend you stay involved in older loved one’s lives and talk to them about their financial matters although we know that having a conversation with a loved one about finances can be tricky. Elders who are a victim of financial elder abuse might feel embarrassed and sensitive about what happened to them or what they are afraid might happen if someone is prying into their finances. They might even try to avoid the topic altogether. It’s important to have an open and honest conversation to get a better understanding of the situation. If you or a loved one has been the victim of financial elder abuse call us today at (415)441-8669.  Our toll-free number is 1-888-50EVANS (888-503-8267).

Create a Safe Space

Create a safe space that ensures the older adult will open up about what is going on in their life.  They may not want to speak in front of a caregiver or other person who may intimidate them or who may in fact be the person exploiting or threatening them. Allow adequate time and space in a private environment for the older adult to share their personal experience. Be empathetic toward the situation. Recognize your own emotions and how you are reacting to the situation. Determine whether your emotions will help the older adult or not help. (need to change).

Questions to ask

Victims of financial elder abuse will oftentimes feel shy and embarrassed. Lead the conversation by drafting up a list of questions to open the conversation. Consider drafting a chronology summary of all the events that have taken place. This might even help the older adult recognize what has happened, when it happened, and how it happened. Some questions you might want to ask are:

  • Did you ever feel pressured in purchasing an investment or uncomfortable in lending money?
  • Is anyone asking you questions about where you bank?
  • Has anyone tried to make an appointment with you at home to talk about insurance or any other financial matter?
  • Where do you keep your checkbook? Is it in a safe place?
  • Do you get your own mail or does someone else see it first?
  • Has anyone who’s been asking a lot of questions about personal matters?
  • What kind of personal information were they able to obtain?

Problem Solve Together

Sometimes older people might feel as if they were at fault if something has gone wrong with their bank account. Reassure them by suggesting actionable problem-solving options. If you or a loved one has been the victim of any form of financial elder abuse call us today at (415)441-8669.  Our toll-free number is 1-888-50EVANS (888-503-8267).

Contact Us

If you or a loved one been the victim of elder abuse in San Francisco or elsewhere in California, contact Ingrid M. Evans today at (415) 441-8669, or by email at <a href=””></a>. Our toll-free number is 1-888-50EVANS (888-503-8267).

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"I contacted Attorney Ingrid Evans for advice about a financial elder abuse case. She was extremely knowledgeable, bright and informative. I highly recommend her. I am an attorney myself, and know when I am talking to a another excellent attorney."
Posted By: Terry Kolkey Attorney

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