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Jan 29, 2016 by |

San Francisco Elder Abuse Attorneys: Preventing Fraud


It’s important that seniors be aware of the possibility of investment fraud. They are often seen as valuable targets by potential scammers. Older people should be aware about the risks of investing in a new company or in a bank or insurance company. Elders are sometimes more vulnerable and suggestible. Before making an investment, everyone, and seniors in particular, have to check the information: if the company exists, if the address is correct, who is the promotor, etc. Also, the more people are involved and check with you, the more difficult it will be for a scammer to steal from you. Seniors can find strength in the support of friends, caretakers, and loved ones.

There is another elder abuse case in California involving two seniors. They trusted a man is his forties who proposed that they invest in a meat company. So they gave him checks, cash and cashier’s checks but this company never existed in the first place. The authorities uncovered this scam, but not before the two elderly people lost more than $200,000.

If you believe that you or a loved one may have been taken advantage of by unscrupulous individuals or companies, contact the Evans Law Firm at (415) 441-8669, or by email at Evans Law firm handles financial and physical elder abuse cases, insurance, annuity, and healthcare fraud, nursing home abuse, and whistleblower claims.

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"We contacted Evans Law Firm when we were unable to collect on a Long-Term Life Insurance policy for an elderly family member. Ingrid responded almost immediately with an offer of a free consultation. I was immediately impressed with her passion for justice!!"
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