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Jul 4, 2021 by |

San Francisco Elder Abuse Attorney: Camera Catches Therapist Stealing From Elderly Patient


Alleged Jewelry Theft Caught On In-Home Camera

Elderly Victim Goes To Police

Thought She Could Trust Her Therapist

We cannot stress enough that seniors are potential victims of financial elder abuse whenever a stranger or caregiver enters their home.  Experience shows that cash, jewelry, keepsakes, checkbooks, credit cards, ATMs and other valuable can quickly disappear if an unscrupulous visitor to a senior’s home has access to them.  Caregivers who enter the home on a regular basis, or who live there, obviously have greater opportunity for theft and rummaging through a senior’s papers and valuables.  But even those who come only occasionally can steal from older people as well and strike quickly.  Statistics show that the older the senior the more vulnerable they are to this kind of theft and financial elder abuse.  Evans Law Firm, Inc. represents seniors and their families against anyone who abuses or steals from an elder.  We will pursue all parties responsible which include the individual perpetrating the abuse and may also include his or her employer if assigned through an agency and even the owners of the agency in some cases.  If you or a senior loved one has been the victim of financial elder abuse here in San Francisco or throughout the Bay Area or elsewhere in California, call us today at 415-441-8669 if you need help.  Our toll-free number is 1-888-50EVANS (888-503-8267).

Camera Catches Alleged Theft

In one recently reported case,[1] a local police department reported that surveillance tape from an elderly person’s home shows a massage therapist stealing jewelry from the 76-year-old woman while giving her a massage inside her home. The victim reported that she had known the massage therapist for more than two years and thought she could trust her. Now she says she feels betrayed. She says nearly $3,000 worth of jewelry was stolen and much of that jewelry had sentimental value. She also said she is glad she went to police about this case in case there are other victims out there. The victim initially went to the police because she thought a piece of her jewelry was missing after the therapist left her home.  The police offered to install a surveillance camera in the room where the massages took place, and the 76-year-old woman agreed. “She scheduled another massage and the same masseuse came in and was seen on the video,” said the detective. “She took two pieces of jewelry off a side table and placed an item in her pocket.”  Detectives went to the home of the suspect and retrieved some of the items.  She was charged with theft and her case is pending.  As a result of the case, the local law enforcement agency put out an alert to seniors in the community to be observant whenever anyone enters the home to provide a service.  Police recommended seniors get references for anyone entering their home, from therapists to painters and plumbers, and anyone else.

Protecting Yourself Against Financial Elder Abuse And Theft

The senior in the reported case acted quickly on her suspicions and went to the police.  Not all seniors are able to protect themselves that way and that’s where the families, friends, and neighbors come in.  Seniors living alone particularly need help and interaction with their families and friends to shield them from theft and exploitation.  Connect with your older loved ones and neighbors as often as you can.  Visit with them one-on-one and see how they are doing.  If you see cash or valuables lying around, help them lock valuables away.  If they have in-home care be especially vigilant.  You may want to suggest they redirect their business mail (like bank statements) away from the home so caregivers cannot go through their mail.  Keep Social Security numbers, bank account numbers and information and credit and ATM cards out of reach.  Kept trust and Will documents hidden from view too.  Never ever give a caregiver a power of attorney.  We have seen so many instances where a caregiver uses a power of attorney to take property from a senior and even sell or mortgage their home.  The resulting damage can truly be devastating.  If you suspect any problems always reach out to elder counsel for help.

Contact Us

Ingrid M. Evans represents seniors and their families here in San Francisco and throughout the Bay Area ad State of California against any persons or businesses responsible for abuse.  Our attorneys pursue all remedies available to injured older persons which include recovery of attorneys’ fees and expenses for bringing your case.  If you need elder abuse counsel, call us today at (415) 441-8669, or by email at <a href=””></a> .  Our toll-free number is 1-888-50EVANS (888-503-8267).

[1] Evans Law Firm, Inc. is not involved in the reported case in any way.

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