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Dec 14, 2020 by |

San Francisco and California Elder Abuse Attorney: Elder Abuse In Group Homes


Staff Members Allegedly Abused Senior in Group Home

Arrests for Physical Elder Abuse

Seniors can be victims of physical and financial elder abuse in their own homes, nursing homes, assisted care facilities, or group homes. Seniors with dementia or other forms of cognitive impairment are most at risk and least able to defend themselves or even recall (or comprehend) what has happened to them. Such dependent seniors can be victims even to the cruelty of those persons paid to care for and protect them.  The California elder abuse litigators at  Evans Law Firm, Inc. represent victims of all forms of elder abuse in California.   If you have a senior loved one who has suffered elder abuse in the Bay Area or elsewhere in California, call us today at 1 (415) 441-8669, and we can help.

Abuse In Group Homes

In a recently reported case[i], a staff member in a senior and dependent adult group home was accused of elder abuse against a senior resident of the unlicensed group home. The defendant, along with three other employees, allegedly abused elderly people by targeting and exploiting mentally handicapped, homeless, and dependable individuals who qualified for federal benefits, which the group home received in order to care for the elder and dependent persons. The group of employees were reportedly also charged with providing residents with unsanitary living conditions and non-functional bathrooms. After researching the facility, police noted that the unlicensed group home regularly employed people who had violent criminal backgrounds.

Background and License Checks

If you have a senior or dependent adult loved one who needs to reside in a group home or other care facility, always check out the facility before they move in.  Care facility and group homes are required to be licensed under California law.  You can check whether any home is licensed by searching  Once your loved home enters a group home or other care facility check in on them often (observing COVID safety precautions) and contact counsel immediately if you suspect any abuse or problems.  Elder abuse does not just stop or miraculously go away; it tends to escalate if not stopped as soon as possible.

Contact Us

Whether your loved one is at home under the care of an in-home caregiver, or in a nursing home, group home, or assisted care facility, our litigators can help you hold anyone accountable for abuse and injuries they suffer.  If you or a loved one has been the victim of financial or physical elder abuse in San Francisco, or elsewhere in California, contact elder abuse attorney Ingrid M. Evans and the other Evans Law Firm elder abuse attorneys at (415) 441-8669, or by email at

[i] Evans Law Firm, Inc. was not involved in the reported case.

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