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Nov 3, 2020 by |

San Francisco and California Elder Abuse Attorney: COVID-19: Fueling Ageism And Elder Abuse


Coronavirus Compounds Problems For Elderly 

Ageist Sentiments Growing

Alarming Surge In Elder Abuse

Older adults have been hit hard by COVID.  The mortality rate for persons in their 70s and 80s is  over five times that of younger persons who catch the virus. Even safety protocols work against older persons who are disproportionately affected by social distancing policies and other restrictions resulting in increased loneliness, social isolation, and loss of freedom and support networks.  Negative, ageist attitudes saturate social media and elder abuse is growing at alarming rates.  The elder abuse litigators at Evans Law Firm, Inc. repudiate ageist sentiments targeting the elderly and fight for victims of elder abuse.  If you or someone you know is the victim of elder abuse anywhere in California, call the California elder abuse lawyers at Evans Law Firm: 415-441-8669.

The Rise Of Ageism

Public discourse during the pandemic has increasingly portrayed those over the age of 70 as helpless, frail, and unable to contribute to society. There has been considerable media coverage about rationing care of elderly people as they are more expendable than persons in other age groups. Strict social distancing and isolation rules were imposed on older persons while young people flouted the rules without criticism or sanction. Treatment resources and personal protective equipment were consistently directed toward the younger population. According to elder advocacy groups, ageist attitudes have also been found among mental health practitioners, which in turn may restrict access to treatments and contribute to functional decline in older persons who might otherwise be able to ward off decline through treatment.

Elder Abuse On The Rise Too

Forced isolation and the economic downturn wrought by the pandemic have led to a global increase in cases of elder abuse.  Seniors, cut off from loved ones, friends, church and synagogue, social networks and support groups, are extremely vulnerable to abuse, especially devastating financial abuse from outright theft to more elaborate schemes by predators looking to take from seniors. Elder abuse was a huge public health problem globally even before COVID-19. It is estimated that in the United States, approximately 1 in 10 individuals over the age of 60 suffers physical, verbal or sexual abuse, or financial exploitation.

Contact Us

Ingrid M. Evans and the other elder abuse litigators Evans Law Firm fight for seniors every day.  If you suspect any form of elder abuse of a loved one call Ingrid and our other elder abuse lawyers today at (415) 441-8669, or by email at <a href=””></a>. Our lawyers handle all types of elder abuse cases, including physical and financial elder abuse, investment and securities fraud and annuity fraud.  Whether the predator is an individual like a greedy caregiver or unscrupulous insurance agent or a large corporation such as a bank or insurance company, our litigators will pursue all available remedies against anyone responsible for the abuse.

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