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Mar 18, 2021 by |

San Diego Nursing Home Abuse Attorney: Sexual Assaults In Nursing Homes


Care Facility Worker Arrested For Alleged Sexual Molestation Of Disabled Patients 

Dementia Patients At Highest Risk

Complaints Of Sexual Abuse In Care Facilities Increasing

Reported incidents of sexual abuse, assault and rape in care facilities have increased significantly over the past few years according to statistics maintained by elder advocacy groups.  Since much elder abuse, including sexual elder abuse, goes unreported, incidents of sexual assault and rape are probably far greater than we know. Nursing home residents, particularly those with dementia, are at the highest risk of sexual assault, rape, or molestation. The San Diego elder and nursing home abuse attorneys at Evans Law Firm. Inc. represent victims of sexual assault or other abuse in nursing homes, and pursue all persons responsible, including owners, administrators and managers.  Call us today at (415)441-8669 if any senior loved one has suffered any kind of elder abuse in San Diego or elsewhere in California.

Recent Arrest

In one recently reported case[1], authorities in Southern California arrested a care facility worker for allegedly sexually molesting three disabled patients at elder care homes.  “[The individual] allegedly engaged in sex acts with the victims who were unable to consent, protect themselves, or report the abuse due to their physical and mental status,” a statement from the Sheriff’s Office says.  Detectives started investigating the suspect after receiving information that the alleged abuse happened between 2013 and 2020, with additional incidents suspected. The allegations illustrate how long the sexual abuse of nursing home residents can continue before a report of sexual misconduct is ever made.  One of the primary reasons is that many nursing home residents, particularly those with dementia, are unaware of what is happening to them or unable to communicate what has happened.  The victim may not be able to remember what has happened even if asked.

Statistics Of Sexual Abuse In Care Facilities

Four important statistics reveal just how terrible the danger of sexual assault in a facility is:

  1. Much abuse goes underreported. This can be due to the social stigma around sexual assault, or fear of retribution by the perpetrator. Resident with mental or physical disabilities may not be able to recount their experience and tell the authorities.
  2. Over 20,000 complaints of sexual abuse in nursing homes have been made over the past 20 years, according to the Administration for Community Living.  On average, almost three nursing home residents are sexually assaulted every day.
  3. Female residents and dementia patients run a higher risk of sexual abuse.  In general, women have a higher risk of sexual abuse than men. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that 1 in 5 women have been either raped or suffered an attempted rape, compared to 1 out of 38 men. Residents with mental illnesses like Alzheimer’s are also at a high risk of sexual abuse because of their impaired memory and communication skills.
  4. Over 1000 nursing homes in the United States have been cited for sexual abuse over a recent three-year period.

Protecting Loved Ones

If you have a loved one who is about to enter a home, check the facility out on Medicare’s Nursing Home Compare website and the California Department of Public Health website.  Read any issued citations and find out what was alleged.  If your loved one is already a nursing home resident, consider an in-room surveillance camera. Surveillance cameras in a senior’s room are permitted under California law. If suspect any kind of elder abuse of a loved one, including sexual abuse, call the elder abuse litigators at Evans Law Firm immediately.

Contact Us

Ingrid M. Evans and the other San Diego elder abuse and nursing home abuse attorneys at Evans Law Firm represent California seniors who have been victims of elder abuse including abuse and neglect or sexual abuse in nursing homes.  Call Ingrid and our other elder abuse attorneys at once if you suspect something is wrong.  You can reach us at (415) 441-8669, or email us at <a href=””></a>. 

[1] Evans Law Firm, Inc. was not involved in the case in any way.

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