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Jul 15, 2013 by |

Police Investigate Elder Abuse Report at a Residential Care Facility for Senior Citizens


A patient rights advocate recently visited a residential care facility for senior citizens to visit a client and noticed that some of the doors were blocked.  He though the potential for elder abuse was serious enough to call the police immediately.  When the police arrived at the facility they contacted the fire department because of the illegal locks on the doors. 

According to a fire department spokesman, the windows were found locked and screwed shut.  The doors were locked and chained and one of the doors had a two-by-four nailed on the outside of the door with multiple nails.  The owner told the fire department that he didn’t want the resident senior citizens leaving because some of the caregivers were asleep at night.  The fire department issued several thousand dollars in citations for blocking exits, illegal locks and other building and fire code violations. 

A contractor was brought to the site and has cleared up most of the violations. 

 Officials are finding more instances of alleged elder abuse in the area because there are more assisted living facilities opening up and there is not a lot of properly trained staff.

Evans Law Firm, Inc. handles elder abuse, financial elder abuse, physical elder abuse, annuity fraud, consumer fraud class actions, insurance and banking fraud cases.  If you think that you have witnessed or are the victim of elder abuse, or financial fraud by a life insurance company, bank or individual then, contact Evans Law Firm, Inc. at 415-441-8669 for a free and confidential consultation, or email us at

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