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Jan 13, 2021 by |

Orange County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Allegations Of Financial Elder Abuse And Deceit In 92-Year-Old’s $100 Million Estate


92-Year-Old Bachelor Changes Estate Plan Shortly Before Death

Old Girlfriend Reenters His Life And Ends Up With Everything

Allegations Of Exploitation, Manipulation And Shady Deals

Financial elder abuse can strike any older person, rich or poor, male or female, living at home or in an institution.  Caregivers, strangers, and old friends or second spouses are sometimes the persons who influence or manipulate an older person to turn his or her estate over to them, disinheriting the elder’s family or charities or other longtime beneficiaries under the elder’s estate plan over the years.  The litigators at Evans Law Firm, Inc. have years of experience in untangling the financial manipulation of seniors and helping the victim’s family or other longtime beneficiaries recover money or property funneled off by a caregiver, stranger, or girlfriend or boyfriend for themselves.  If you or someone you know is a victim of financial elder abuse here in Orange County or elsewhere in California, call us today at 415-441-8669, and we can help. 

Feud Over $100 Million Estate

While financial elder abuse can strike any senior, the bigger, flashier cases make it to the news. The money in those cases may seem unreal, but the fact patterns are similar to plenty of other cases in smaller estates too.  In one ongoing feud,[1] a wealthy 92-year-old bachelor recently died leaving his estate to an old girlfriend.  According to records filed in court by the decedent’s longtime trustees and advisors, the woman had allegedly reentered his life with the intention of getting his money and cutting out his lifelong beneficiaries (various charities) and fiduciaries.  Once his health began to decline she allegedly pushed his old advisors and friends away and took control.  She allegedly persuaded him to redo his Will and Trust leaving his property all to her and introduced him to business associates of hers who put him into some questionable real estate deals where his money largely disappeared.  According to court records the woman and her associates lured the senior to take a long cruise out of the country during which a lot of deals were done to his detriment.  She supposedly served as Notary of the decedent’s signature on the deals.  The legal battle over the estate is ongoing.

Recourse For Family And Old Friends

According to reports on the case, the decedent’s old advisors and closest friends have allied to block what they claim was financial elder abuse and manipulation by the girlfriend.  Although these friends had alerted the authorities to the possible manipulation of the senior while he was still alive, nothing was done.  Following his death, the former advisors and friends brought an action to contest the new Will, Trust and other arrangements.  This sequence of events is also a typical one in financial elder abuse cases.  While reporting abuse to the authorities is an important step, it rarely succeeds in shutting down abuse and holding the abusers accountable for their conduct.  That is why it is critical to reach out to elder abuse counsel at the first suspicion of any financial abuse or manipulation of a senior.

Contact Us

If you suspect financial elder abuse of an older loved one or friend here in Orange County or elsewhere in California, call Ingrid M. Evans and the other Evans Law Firm elder abuse attorneys at (415) 441-8669, or by email at <a href=””></a>. Ingrid and our other financial elder abuse litigators pursue all available remedies for senior victims against all those responsible for the abuse.  Remedies include restitution (getting your money back), rescission (having questionable contracts undone), damages and recovery of attorneys’ fees and expenses for bringing your case.

[1] Evans Law Firm, Inc. is not involved in the case in any way.

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