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Dec 19, 2022 by |

Orange County Elder Abuse Attorney: Warning Signs Of Elder Abuse


All Seniors At Risk Of Elder Abuse

Warning Signs Of Elder Abuse

What To Do When You Suspect Elder Abuse

Statistics reveal that as many as 1 in 10 older adults is abused or neglected each year in the United States, and that only 1 in 14 cases of elder abuse ever comes to the attention of authorities. Statistics also show that older women are more likely to be victimized and mistreated, and that for all seniors, men and women, the risk of abuse increases the older the individual gets.  Elder abuse is often perpetrated by someone with constant access and in a position of trust with the senior such as a caregiver, second spouse, girlfriend or boyfriend, or family member. Individuals who live with dementia, a mental health diagnosis, issues related to substance abuse, or are socially isolated are also more likely than others to be at risk for elder abuse. Whatever the form, and whoever the victim, all forma of elder abuse are crimes and grounds for civil liability in California.  See Penal Code § 368 (crime of elder abuse); Cal. Welf. & Inst. Code § 15610.30 (definition of financial elder abuse); Cal. Welf. & Inst. Code § 15610.57 (definition of neglect); Cal. Welf. & Inst. Code § 15610.63 (definition of physical abuse). Evans Law Firm, Inc. fights for elder abuse victims in the San Francisco Bay Area and throughout California against those responsible for abuse. We pursue all remedies available to injured seniors and their families including awards of attorneys’ fees and expenses for bringing your case.  Cal. Welf. & Inst. Code §§ 15657 and 15657.5.  If you or someone you know is the victim of elder abuse here in Orange County or elsewhere in California, call us today at 415-441-8669. Our toll-free number is 1-888-50EVANS (888-503-8267).

Signs of Elder Abuse

Here are some important signs of elder abuse:

  • Physical Abuse
    • Grabbed/hit/pushed/pinched
    • Giving more medication than prescribed
    • Injuries that happen over and over
    • Bruises, cuts, burns
    • Going to the ER or hospital often
  • Sexual Abuse
    • Have a sexually transmitted disease but do not know how
    • Unwanted sexually touching or acts person does not agree to
    • Forced to watch sexual activity
    • Unwanted sexual language from another person
    • Sexually attacked or assaulted
  • Emotional Abuse
    • Insults/humiliates/blames the person
    • Calls person names and/or cusses at person
    • Harassing phone calls/texts/emails/social media posts
    • Talks of person dying as a good thing or that the person is a burden
    • Threatens to leave person or put person in nursing home or facility
  • Confinement/Isolation
    • Markings on skin where restraints were used (tied down)
    • Person cannot get to a phone because other moved it out of reach or will not give it to the person
    • Locked in room/house and not allowed to leave the house
    • No visitors are allowed, can’t speak to family/friends on the phone
    • Giving the individual more medication than needed to make person tired or weak
  • Neglect
    • Person has bed sores or skin rashes not treated
    • No food in house or spoiled food, person is underweight
    • Not getting or taking medications correctly
    • Dirty appearance/not dressed/smells/ home has no utilities, dirty, in disrepair
    • Left alone when needs help
  • Financial Exploitation
    • Zero or low bank account balance
    • Not paying bills when the person has income
    • Money, medication, property stolen by someone the person knows
    • Large bank withdrawals and no receipts
    • Other using the person’s credit card/LINK card for themselves
    • Other lives with person but pay no rent and gives no money towards bills
    • Other won’t give person their own money, controls the money

Contact Us

If you suspect any form of elder abuse being perpetrated on an older loved one, friend or neighbor, seek the help of elder law counsel. Ingrid M. Evans represents elder and dependent adults in Orange County or elsewhere in California who are victims of any kind of financial exploitation or other forma of elder abuse.  Ingrid can be reached at (415) 441-8669 or TOLL FREE 1-888-80EVANS (888-503-8267), or email us at <a href=””></a>. 

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