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San Francisco and California Elder Abuse Attorney: COVID-19: Fueling Ageism And Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Coronavirus Compounds Problems For Elderly  Ageist Sentiments Growing Alarming Surge In Elder Abuse Older adults have been hit hard by COVID.  The mortality rate for persons in their 70s and 80s is  over five times that of younger persons who catch the virus. Even safety protocols work against […]

Nov 2, 2020 - Evans Law Firm by |

San Francisco False Claims Act Whistleblower Attorney: Hospital Settles Kickback Allegations

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Regional Hospital Accused Of Illegal Kickbacks To Physicians Physicians Referring Patients Received Back Investment Units In The Hospital Physician Whistleblower Will Receive Reward Hospitals and clinics violate the False Claims Act (“FCA”), 31 U.S.C. §§ 3729-3733, and the Anti-Kickback Statute, 42 U.S.C. § 1320a-7b, when they pay illegal […]

Oct 30, 2020 - Consumer fraud by |

California and San Francisco Consumer Attorney: Discrimination And Interest Overcharges In Home Lending

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Protecting Minorities From Discriminatory Practices Fair Housing Act Prohibits Discrimination On Basis Of Race, Color, Religion, Sex Or National Origin Fighting Against Discrimination Part of the long history of racism in this country includes discrimination in housing, including the availability of mortgage financing.  The federal Fair Housing Act […]

Oct 29, 2020 - Evans Law Firm by |

California and San Francisco Whistleblower Attorney: New Law Gives More Protections Against Whistleblower Retaliation

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Expanding Protections Against Employer Retaliation Extending Time To Bring Suit Attorneys’ Fees Now Recoverable California labor law has long protected individuals from retaliation by the employers for blowing the whistle on wrongful conduct by the employer.  See, e.g., Cal. Lab. Code §§ 98.6 and 1102.5; Cal. Gov’t Code […]

California and San Francisco Whistleblower Attorneys: CFTC Orders Bank To Pay $920 Million For Manipulating Commodities Markets

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Commodity Futures Trading Commission Issues Massive Order Hundreds Of Thousands Of Illegal Trades In Precious Metals And Futures Insiders Rewarded For Assisting Enforcement On September 29, 2020, the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) announced a massive $920 million settlement of a case[1] involving hundreds of thousands of […]

Oct 27, 2020 - Evans Law Firm by |

California False Claims Act Whistleblower Attorney: Individual Receives $3.7 Million Reward For Blowing Whistle On Customs Duty Fraud

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Allegations Of Evading Import Duties  Knowing Falsifications On Customs Declarations Misrepresentations And Evasion Constitute False Claims The False Claims Act (FCA), 31 U.S.C. §§ 3729 et seq. reaches to any kind of fraud against the government for payments made by the government based on false claims or to […]

Alameda County and California Elder Abuse Attorney: Suspicious Transactions Lead To Discovery Of Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER The Risk Of Hiring Unlicensed Caregiver Off Craigslist Caregiver Writes Unauthorized Checks Buys Herself, Daughter Cars With Senior’s Money References and background checks of persons hired as in-home caregivers are two important steps when a senior needs in-home care.  The risks of what can go wrong when a […]

Oct 23, 2020 - Evans Law Firm by |

California False Claims Act Whistleblower Attorney: Large Pharmaceutical Company Settled Claims It Paid Kickbacks

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Company Allegedly Used Charitable Foundation To Cover Copays Program Constituted A Kickback For Prescriptions $97 Million Settlement On September 23, 2020, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced a $97 million settlement with pharmaceutical giant Gilead Sciences, Inc. for allegedly paying illegal kickbacks for drug prescriptions.  The action […]

San Francisco and California Elder Abuse Attorneys: When Agents Abuse Financial Powers of Attorney

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Misuse Of Financial Powers Of Attorney Agents May Exceed Authorized Powers  Understand The Extent Of An Agent’s Authorization Powers of Attorney (POAs) are important estate planning tools for everyone, especially the elderly.  Powers can cover financial matters and also health matters.  Standard forms are set out in California […]

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