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California and Marin County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregivers And Credit Card Theft

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Caregiver Allegedly Stole Elderly Man’s Credit Card Wheelchair-Bound Elderly Man Reports Theft Four, Large Unauthorized Charges In One Day An elderly person’s cash and credit cards can disappear in minutes if an unscrupulous caregiver or stranger enters the elder’s home and has access to a wallet or purse.  […]

Jul 14, 2021 - Annuities by |

San Francisco and Alameda County Annuity And Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Why Deferred Annuities Are A Bad Idea For Seniors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Resist Fear Tactics Used To Sell Annuities Sales Commissions Drive The Annuity Industry Consider Other Tax-Deferred Strategies Deferring taxes on retirement savings is a key part of any retirements planning. Tax deferrals can be achieved through direct investment of IRAs or 401ks in mutual funds or ETFs. We […]

California and San Mateo County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Theft Of Cash And Forged Checks

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Caregiver Allegedly Stole $315,000 From 92-Year-Old Woman Forged Checks And Unauthorized Use Of Debit Card Charges Caregiver Sentenced To Five Year Prison Sentence Whenever a caregiver or stranger enters a failing senior’s home, there’s a risk of theft and financial elder abuse.  The theft may be a quick […]

California and San Francisco Nursing Home Abuse Attorney: Nursing Home Residents Victimized By Abuse And Neglect

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Cases Of Nursing Home Abuse And Neglect Are Spiking  Understaffing, Lack Of Training And Lack Of Proper Supervision Dementia Sufferers Particularly Vulnerable The COVID-19 pandemic struck seniors terribly throughout California especially those in nursing homes, with over 9000 nursing home patient deaths attributable to the coronavirus in California […]

California and Marin County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Bookkeeper Allegedly Stole From 90-Year-Old

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Bookkeeper Accused Of Stealing Over $210,000  Charged With Elder Abuse, Wire Fraud And Money Laundering Police Allege Five Years Of Theft Seniors are vulnerable to financial abuse from any quarter including from the very persons they hire to take care of their financial affairs. Whenever, an unscrupulous person […]

California And San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: What Seniors Should Know About Universal Life Insurance Policies

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Understand The Costs And Complexity Of Universal Life Insurance Premium Payments Continue Until Death Investment Risks And Caps On Growth Indexed Universal Life Insurance is a complicated life insurance product often sold by insurance agents as a retirement savings or estate planning investment. Agents sell universal life policies […]

San Francisco and California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Financial Advisors And Brokers Who Financially Exploit Elderly Clients

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Securities Broker Sentenced For Theft From Elderly Client Access To Account, Unauthorized Transactions, And Theft Broker Sentenced To Five Years In Prison Seniors are vulnerable to financial elder abuse from strangers and caregivers who come into a senior’s life only towards the end of a senior’s life.  But […]

Jul 8, 2021 - Annuities by |

Los Angeles and Orange County Annuity And Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Annuities: Complex And Costly To Exit

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Annuities Are Complicated Insurance Policies  Disadvantages For Seniors Understand How Annuities Work Before You Are Sold One Evans Law Firm, Inc. recommends seniors avoid deferred annuities because these insurance contracts are costly and complicated and expensive to get out of once you are in one.  Tax deferrals can […]

Orange and Riverside County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Theft Of Jewelry And Cash

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Charges Of Theft In Orange And Riverside Counties Multiple Investigations Under Way Theft Of Cash From Another Victim In-home caregivers have access to a senior’s jewelry, cash, valuables, credit cards, bank accounts and important papers unless you keep them out of reach. They also have access to a […]

California and Marin County Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: How Seniors Can Lose On Deferred Annuities

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Annuities Are Expensive, Complicated Insurance Policies  Agents Earn High Commissions On Your Premium Dollars Surrender Penalties Make Getting Out Costly Fear tactics are one way insurance agents use to sell annuities. Print and radio ads may warn senior readers or audiences about the perils of the stock market […]

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