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Mar 31, 2015 by |

National Center on Elder Abuse Warns Senior Citizens to be Aware of “The Grandparent Scam”


The National Center on Elder Abuse wants to make the public aware of “The Grandparent Scam,” a scam targeting the elderly.

The Grandparent Scam attempts to get an elderly person to wire a large sum of money, and losses are usually several thousand dollars per victim. In the scam, a grandparent will receive a call or an email from someone claiming to be their grandchild (or possibly, a police officer, lawyer, doctor, etc). The “grandchild” states that they are in a bad situation in a foreign country, and need money wired immediately.

NCEA has a few tips for grandparents who receive a phone call of this nature. First, resist the pressure to make an immediate decision. Next, try to determine whether the call is legitimate, by contacting the grandchild or another family member. Never make a wire transfer based on a phone or email request, especially to a foreign country.

If you have been a target of this scam, contact local law enforcement or the state consumer protection agency. You should also file a complaint with the Internet Crime Complaint Center at

See the attached fact sheet from the NCEA regarding “The Grandparent Scam”:

Evans Law Firm, Inc. has offices throughout California and handles all types of elder abuse cases, including financial elder abuse and nursing home abuse cases. If you or a loved one has been a victim of “The Grandparent Scam” or other type of elder abuse, please contact Evans Law Firm, Inc. at 415-441-8669 or via email at

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