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Sep 23, 2016 by |

Marin Elder Abuse Attorney: Physical Elder Abuse


Physical Elder Abuse

While elder abuse can come in many forms, including financial abuse by advisers, neglect at a nursing home or by a caregiver, and fraud committed by insurance companies and other financial institutions, perhaps the most heinous form is direct physical abuse committed by those close to them. Close family and friend usually represent the best safeguard to protect seniors from coming to harm, and when they fail in that task or ignore their responsibility, the worst outcomes are more likely to occur.

Physical abuse rarely occurs by itself, often, abusers are taking advantage of the senior in other ways, often by collecting and using SSI or pension checks, living off a seniors saving, other otherwise abusing them financially. They may present themselves as “caretakers,” and are sometimes serial abusers, and have a history of abusing seniors, taking their money, and moving on. Our Marin elder abuse attorneys have found that these experienced abusers are often very difficult to catch in the act, and are adept at concealing both their financial and physical abuse.

As with all forms of elder abuse, the best protection is an active, engaged community in support of the senior. If you feel that someone is trying to isolate a senior from those closest to them, don’t just wait and see what happens. Although it can be difficult and even emotionally exhausting to try to fight on behalf of a senior who you may be told doesn’t want to see you, it’s never a good idea to let an abuser sequester your loved ones from the web of protection that their family and friends provide.

While it’s possible to remedy financial abuse, and to rectify powers of attorney and other legal disputes, there is nothing that can make things right after an elder has been physically abused or, worse, passed away after suffering mistreatment. Prompt action is the best, and indeed the only, way to prevent abusers from harming elderly loved ones.

Contact Us

If you or a loved on have been the victim of either physical or financial elder abuse, contact the Evans Law Firm at (415) 441-8669, or by email at Our Marin County elder abuse attorneys have experience with uncovering, preventing, and seeking justice for elder abuse, and can help you protect yourself and others from elder abusers.

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"I contacted Attorney Ingrid Evans for advice about a financial elder abuse case. She was extremely knowledgeable, bright and informative. I highly recommend her. I am an attorney myself, and know when I am talking to a another excellent attorney."
Posted By: Terry Kolkey Attorney

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