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Jul 26, 2018 by |

Marin County and California Elder Abuse Attorney: Warning Signs of Financial Elder Abuse


Watch for Signs of Financial Elder Abuse

Do you have an elderly loved one living alone? Sadly, he or she may be a prime candidate for financial elder abuse by acquaintances or even strangers.  One in five seniors will experience some form of financial elder abuse in their later years according to national statistics.  The effects can be devastating to the life of the senior. The Marin County and California elder abuse attorneys at Evans Law Firm, Inc. fight for abused seniors against their abusers every day in California and Marin County courts and represent seniors harmed by all manners of abuse. If you or someone you know is the victim of elder abuse in Marin County or elsewhere in California, call Evans Law Firm today at 415-441-8669.

Financial abusers of the elderly include caregivers, contractors, insurance agents and other salesmen, financial advisors, stockbrokers, preachers, agents with Powers of Attorney, trustees, and even neighbors. Isolated seniors are vulnerable to undue influence, coercion, manipulation, and fraud.  Keep a constant eye on seniors you love; look for changes in behavior, some newly acquired “friend” who takes a big interest in the senior’s affairs, reluctance to discuss money matters, new bank accounts and new relationships with advisors, unpaid/overdue bills, missing checks, withdrawals or charges the senior can’t recall making, and missing property. The best way to avoid these perils in a senior’s life is for their loved ones to stay active in the elder’s life.  You know your elderly loved one best and may pick up on other suspicious activity.

If you suspect financial abuse, act on it. Report your suspicions to local law enforcement including the police and Marin County Adult Protective Services.  But also seek help from counsel.  California law provides all kinds of remedies for victims of elder abuse: restitution (getting your money back), injunctive relief against further abuse, extra damages, and awards of attorneys’ fees and costs for bringing an action against the abusers.  Our elder abuse attorneys at Evans Law Firm know the remedies and the litigation tactics to secure relief and remedies for victims.  Call us today.

Contact Us

Our California and Marin County elder abuse attorneys work on elder abuse cases every day. If you or a loved one been the victim of any form of elder abuse in Marin County, or elsewhere in California, contact California elder abuse attorney Ingrid Evans and the other Evans Law Firm elder abuse attorneys at (415) 441-8669, or by email at <a href=””></a>. Our attorneys have experience with all types of elder abuse, including physical and financial elder abuse, investment and securities fraud and annuity fraud.  We can help guide your case through a jury trial, or toward an equitable settlement.  We handle cases involving physical and financial elder abuse, qui tam and whistleblower law, nursing home abuse, whole life insurance and universal life insurance, and indexed, variable, and fixed annuities.

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