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Dec 8, 2020 by |

Marin County and California Elder Abuse Attorney: Statistics And Signs Of Elder Abuse And Senior Domestic Abuse


Financial, Physical, Sexual And Emotional Elder Abuse 

Millions Of Older Americans Abused Every Day

Look For Signs And Get Elder Counsel Assistance

Physical abuse and financial abuse of seniors is really increasing in these troubling times.  Seniors are caught between two very dangerous trends: the economic downturn which leads people to theft from our most vulnerable population and isolation which may protect seniors from COVID-19 but also sets the stage for financial elder abuse, physical abuse, neglect, abandonment and other perils.  Be watchful of your senior loved ones, friends and neighbors.  Learn about the prevalence of elder abuse and some of its telltale signs.  If you or a loved one have been the victim of any kind of financial or physical elder abuse in Marin County or elsewhere in California, call us today at (415)441-8669. 

Important Facts About Elder Abuse

  • Every year, approximately 5 million older Americans are victims of physical, psychological and/or other forms of elder abuse and neglect.
  • Older adults who require assistance with daily life activities are at an increased risk of being emotionally abused or financially exploited.
  • Approximately 50 percent of older adults with dementia are mistreated or abused.
  • Based on reported cases alone, seniors lost an estimated $6.3 billion to financial elder abuse in the past year. Since the majority of financial elder abuse goes unreported, the true figure is in all likelihood much higher.
  • Only one out of every 24 cases of elder abuse is reported.
  • Only 15.5 percent of elder sexual abuse is reported to police.

Abuse of any form in later life has a devastating impact on victims. .Research indicates that older adult victims of abuse have significantly shorter lifespans than their peers who do not experience abuse. Signs of elder abuse include behavioral changes, absence from old groups and friends, money problem like bounced checks, unpaid bills or new debt; the appearance of a new “friend” or caregiver who takes an inordinate interest in a senior’s affairs, bruises and scars,  someone screening calls or the mail, unexplained injuries.  These are just a few of the signs; you know your senior loved one or friend best so other indications may arouse suspicion.  Be sure to act on your hunch; abusers act quickly and rarely just “stop” any abuse of a senior.

If You Suspect Elder Abuse,  Evans Law Firm Can Help

Our litigators represent victims of elder abuse throughout California, including victims of financial elder abuse, physical and sexual abuse, neglect, and abandonment.  Whatever kind of abuse you or an elderly loved one may have suffered, our experienced elder abuse litigators can help you pursue all persons or businesses responsible.  We know how to investigate elder abuse cases, draft your complaint and initiate a lawsuit seeking all available remedies including recovery of attorneys’ fees and expenses.  Act quickly whenever you suspect elder abuse by reaching out to counsel because cases have varying statutes of limitations depending on the claims involved and you do not want to be out of time to pursue your claims.

Contact Us

We cannot urge you enough to seek counsel as soon as you suspect any form of elder abuse. There are limited time periods to bring many types of cases and in certain cases other strict procedural steps to follow or the case is lost.  Ingrid M. Evans and the other elder abuse lawyers at Evans Law Firm know this area of the law from years of experience and will pursue all persons and businesses responsible and seek all available remedies.  If you or a loved one has been the victim of elder abuse here in Marin County or elsewhere in California, call us at (415) 441-8669, or email us at

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