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Jun 17, 2021 by |

Los Angeles and Orange County Elder Abuse Attorneys: What To Do If You Suspect Elder Abuse Of Loved Ones Or Neighbors


Elder Abuse Takes Many Forms

Physical, Emotional, Sexual, Financial Or Harmful Neglect

Massive Increase In Reports of Abuse During Pandemic

We have seen a massive increase in the incidents of elder abuse of all kinds, especially financial elder abuse, during the pandemic.  According to the National Center on Elder Abuse, this is no surprise considering social isolation is one of the greatest risk factors for abuse. During the pandemic we were advised, even mandated, to isolate from those closest to us, especially the vulnerable aged. We stayed home, did not see our children, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, grandparents, great-grandparents or friends. We were told to live almost 24/7 with whomever was in our home. We have essentially been a nation at home for over one year – with whomever was in our house and no one beyond. This is a perfect setup for elder abuse, particularly if the older adult has been isolated for other reasons such as lack of transportation, cognitive decline or physical limitations. Countless seniors have suffered from abuse during this period and now as we collectively emerge from the pandemic it is time to stop this surge in abuse. Evans Law Firm, Inc. represents seniors and their families against all those responsible for injuries caused by abuse or neglect of a senior whether a senior still resides at home or lives in a nursing home or other care facility.  If you or someone you know is suffering from abuse or neglect in Los Angeles, Orange County or elsewhere in California, call us today at 415-441-8669, and we can help.

Important Facts About Elder Abuse

  • Every year, approximately 5 million older Americans are victims of physical, psychological and/or other forms of elder abuse and neglect.
  • Older adults who require assistance with daily life activities are at an increased risk of being emotionally abused or financially exploited.
  • Approximately 50 percent of older adults with dementia are mistreated or abused.
  • Based on reported cases alone, seniors lost an estimated $6.3 billion to financial elder abuse in the past year.  Since the majority of financial elder abuse goes unreported, the true figure is in all likelihood much higher.
  • Only one out of every 24 cases of elder abuse is reported.
  • Only 15.5 percent of elder sexual abuse is reported to police.

Watching For Signs of Alder Abuse

Possible indicators of elder abuse include:

Possible indicators of physical abuse or neglect: • Bed sores/pressure wounds, cuts, bruises, burns, or rope marks • Poor hygiene, rashes, sores, sudden weight loss • Soiled clothing, missing eyeglasses, dentures or hearing aids • Fear, anxiety, isolation, withdrawal or other personality changes

Possible indicators of financial abuse: • Overdrawn accounts or sudden withdrawals or closing of bank accounts. • Sudden involvement of previously uninvolved caregiver or a new friend. • Unexplained changes to will, power of attorney or other legal documents. • Financial transactions involving the elder’s money or property where the elder does little speaking or appears confused or passive. • Reluctance to discuss finances or lack of knowledge of finances.

These are just a few indicators of possible abuse; you know your senior loved one or friend best so other indications may arouse suspicion.  Be sure to act on your hunch; abusers act quickly and rarely just “stop” any abuse of a senior.

How Evans Law Firm, Inc. Can Help

If you’re a family member, friend or neighbor and you suspect abuse alert the authorities, but also contact qualified counsel.  At Evans Law Firm, Inc., we know how to investigate any kind of elder abuse case from cases of physical or nursing home abuse or neglect or complicate financial elder abuse schemes against an older individual.  We will pursue every available remedy for your loved one’s injury.  For financial elder abuse cases this would include suing to get the senior’s money back, undoing any transactions or contracts entered into through fraud, and lost interest on the money stolen. Awards may also include punitive damages and awards of attorneys’ fees and costs to you for bringing your suit. 

Contact Us

Ingrid M. Evans represents victims of any kind of elder abuse in Los Angeles, Orange County and throughout California.  If you need representations, call us today at (415) 441-8669, or by email at <a href=””></a>.

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