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Dec 8, 2015 by |

Long Term Care Abuse


It’s a sad truth that as we get older, we are more and more likely to be taken advantage of by those around us, be it emotionally, financially, or physically. Seniors are frequent targets of scams, tend to be isolated from support, and may lack the physical or mental capabilities to protect themselves. In that case, it falls to loved ones and to institutions to look after them. For this reason, it is particularly sad when relatives or nursing facilities are the perpetrators of abuse.
Seniors in nursing homes are often left alone for long periods of time, and the staff at these facilities may be under trained, underpaid, and overworked. These conditions are conducive to abuse of residents both by caretakers and by other residents. It’s a sad situation, but it also is one that can and should be addressed by society at large. The challenge of dealing with elder abuse is based on a few factors: elders themselves often fail to report abuse, abuse often happens behind close doors and can be hard to prove, and some seniors may have trouble recalling the circumstances of their own abuse.
Thus, it is necessary to use a wide-ranging, long-term approach to reforming elder care institutions and educating the public about how to prevent elder abuse. Elder abuse can occur on a number of different axes, from outright theft, to sale of unsuitable financial products, overcharging for services, Power of attorney abuse, neglect, and physical abuse. Because of this, it takes a village to find solutions to this multifaceted problems. Some counties are creating taskforces of attorneys, doctors, social workers and other to help prevent elder abuse.
Ultimately, however, the first line of defense is for loved ones to report and prevent elder abuse. It’s important to stay involved in the lives of elderly loved ones, and to find out about any abuse that may be occurring. If you feel that you or a loved one may be a victim of Elder Abuse, contact the Evans Law firm for a free consultation. Evans Law Firm’s practice areas include physical and financial elder abuse, annuity, insurance, and banking fraud, and nursing home abuse, we can be reached at (415) 441-8669, or by email at

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