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Oakland Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers

We Fight Alameda County Nursing Home Abuse

Alameda County contains a population of senior citizens who may require extra care and medical assistance. Lately, there has been an increase in the number of physical and financial elder abuse cases related to nursing homes. Before deciding on a nursing home facility, educate yourself about the dangers and realities of nursing home abuse. Bedsores, decubitus ulcers, and pressure sores from neglect are injuries that can happen at nursing homes.  Alameda County nursing home abuse takes place at a facility in Alameda County.

What Leads to Nursing Home Abuse?

Lack of sufficient staff is a primary cause of neglect and nursing home abuses in Alameda County. Senior citizens who reside at nursing homes have the right to a certain number of hours of care by registered nurses, and some facilities cut back on these hours in order to save money. This results in resident seniors receiving inadequate and insubstantial care from tired and overworked nursing staff. In some facilities, nurses’ aides provide the care that should be given by registered nurses, in spite of regulations. These practices place the senior citizens who are not receiving the attention they need and deserve in danger of neglect and nursing home abuse.

Neglect, abandonment, and assault are types of nursing home abuse that can happen to a senior citizen in a nursing home. Hitting, shoving, restraint, confinement, over- or under-prescribed drugs and dosages are examples of physical elder abuses that can happen in any nursing home in Alameda County.  Threatening, humiliating, yelling, ridiculing, ignoring, or isolating the elder are examples of emotional abuse that can happen at a nursing home in Alameda County.

What are Warning Signs of Nursing Home Abuse?

Unexplained illness or injuries

Distress, distance, or agitation

Dramatic weight change or malnutrition

Unsanitary living conditions

Sudden or unexplained death

Evans Law Firm, Inc. and Alameda County Nursing Home Abuse

Senior citizens in nursing homes have the right to be treated with the utmost of care: free of mistreatment, abuse and neglect. If you believe that you or a loved one has been the victim of nursing home abuse, contact Evans Law Firm, Inc. for a free and confidential consultation at 415-441-8669 or email

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