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Alameda County Elder Abuse Lawyers

Alameda County Elder Abuse Lawyers – Call for a Free Consultation

Sadly, for seniors living in nursing homes and retirement communities in Alameda County, the risk of abuse is a very real concern. Elder abuse can also strike a senior at home from a caregiver or new acquaintance. Wherever it strikes, elder abuse is far more prevalent than most people realize, with studies suggesting that more than one in six seniors will experience physical, sexual, verbal, psychological or financial elder abuse during his or her lifetime.

For those seniors who fall victim to abuse, the single most important thing they can do is to speak up. Report the abuse to the authorities, seek professional attention for physical abuse and seek legal help for financial elder abuse. Call a family member. Speak with competent Alameda County elder abuse lawyers about your legal rights.

At Evans Law Firm, Inc., our lawyers help seniors living in Alameda County escape abusive living arrangements, recoup money lost to financial elder abuse, and overcome the challenges of elder abuse.  We also pursue the abusers whether the abuse is a caregiver, insurance agent, nursing home and staff, or anyone else. We are impassioned advocates for our clients, and we are committed to holding nursing homes and other facilities accountable for the harm our clients have endured. If you have been abused, or if you have an aging loved one living in Alameda County who you believe may be a victim of elder abuse, we can help. We encourage you to contact us for a free, no-obligation consultation about your legal rights.

What is Elder Abuse?

While many cases of elder abuse are obvious, it is not always easy to tell if a senior living in a nursing home, assisted living facility or other facility in Alameda County is being abused. This is true for the senior and his or her family. Staff members may condition residents to believe that what they are experiencing is normal, and many people simply do not want to believe that they or their loved ones are being subjected to inappropriate treatment.

So, what is elder abuse? The World Health Organization (WHO) provides a succinct definition:

“Elder abuse is a single or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person.”

In legal terms, elder abuse involves any form of physical, emotional, or financial harm perpetrated against a senior. While abuse in nursing homes is perhaps most common, seniors can fall victim to abuse in a variety of other settings as well. Examples of elder abuse include:

What are the Remedies for Elder Abuse?

If you or a loved one has experienced elder abuse, what can our lawyers do to help? The simple answer is quite a lot. We can help you obtain medical treatment, we can extricate you or your loved one from an abusive environment, we can pursue all remedies available against financial abusers, and we can make sure you and your family are fully compensated for the losses you have endured. To learn more, schedule your free initial consultation today. 

Speak With Knowledgeable Alameda County Elder Abuse Lawyers for Free

To schedule your free initial consultation at Evans Law Firm, Inc., please call 415-441-8669 or contact us online. We look forward to speaking with you soon.

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"I contacted Attorney Ingrid Evans for advice about a financial elder abuse case. She was extremely knowledgeable, bright and informative. I highly recommend her. I am an attorney myself, and know when I am talking to a another excellent attorney."
Posted By: Terry Kolkey Attorney

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