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415-441-8669 | TOLL FREE: 888-50EVANS

PHONE: 415-441-8669 | TOLL FREE: 888-50EVANS

Del Norte County/Crescent City

Located at the far northwest corner of California, the rural county is known for forests with giant Coast Redwoods, some as tall as over 350 feet. It is also known for its unique plants and flowers, various species of coastal birds and fish, rocky beaches, pristine rivers and historic lighthouses. Additionally, Del Norte is known among Bigfoot enthusiasts as the location of the Patterson-Gimlin film, as well as the location of some of the forest scenes in Return of the Jedi. No matter your age or where you’re located, even in Del Norte County, you and your loved ones can be vulnerable to insurance fraud

If you live in Del Norte County and have been a victim of insurance fraud, don’t be afraid to stand up for your rights and seek the help of an experienced California insurance fraud attorney at Evans Law Firm. Attorney Ingrid Evans and her team can help you evaluate your situation and determine the best course of action under state law.

Beyond insurance fraud, Evans Law Firm represents clients who find themselves involved in various other types of legal situations, including estate planning, financial elder abuse, serious personal injuries, nursing home abuse, and more. Give us a call today at 415-441-8669 or contact us via our online form to discover more about how we can put our legal know-how to work for you.

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415-441-8669 888-50EVANS

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"After a year of frustration working with the insurance husband and I contacted Evans Law Firm. What a relief...within a month we had come to a resolution that was exceptable by all parties...THANK YOU EVANS LAW FIRM!"
Posted By: Linda Dieringer

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