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Contra Costa Elder Abuse Lawyers

Elder abuse is one of the most rampant crimes in the country, and with the number of Americans over the age of 65 increasing every day, preventing abuse has become a mainline priority for Contra Costa elder abuse lawyers at the Evans Law Firm, Inc – a leading law firm dedicated to protecting older Californians in the San Francisco bay area from schemes, theft, and physical or mental torment.

Unfortunately, abuse happens most often at the hands of a close relative or caretaker, which can make detection and protection difficult. Our attorneys work hard to bring abusive predators to justice, and to obtain financial recompense for the injuries they or their family members have suffered, as well as any financial burden associated with the cost of care after these injuries. In financial abuse cases, our attorneys ensure that stolen goods and property are returned, and obtain restitution for suffering during that time.

Types of Elder Abuse to Look Out For

Contra Costa elder abuse lawyers see two distinct forms of abuse that target older Americans—financial and physical.

Financial elder abuse occurs when someone mishandles, steals, or manipulates an older person’s finances for some sort of personal gain. From professional scam artists to scheming relatives,  caretakers, or even corporations like insurance companies, insurance agents and banks, financial predators choose the elderly because they typically present an easy target—someone older, perhaps less hands-on when it comes to their checkbooks and bank accounts, usually with an accumulation of funds, property, or possessions. A common type of financial elder abuse is to trick them into signing a deed or churning life insurance policies or annuities into new insurance policies, annuities or long term care insurance policies that are not suitable or appropriate for the elder.

Many popular financial elder abuse schemes involve a close friend, family member, caretaker, insurance agents or financial advisors who have a lot of contact with an older person. The fraudster uses that time to gain trust and confidence, and then either convinces the person to write them checks, invest in insurance or annuities, buy or transfer property, adding their name to bank accounts, , and purchase fake goods and services, or accesses a other financial, bank or insurance accounts or steals goods from around the house to sell.

Physical elder abuse occurs whenever someone uses their position as caretaker, friend, nursing home, skilled nursing facility or home, assisted living facility, CAN, nurse or family member to assault an older person in their care. When an older person is being abused physically, this can happen in their own home or even in a professional setting such as a doctor’s office or nursing home/skilled nursing facility. Physical abusers usually have a lot of contact—or even become the primary caregiver—with their elderly victims, and can cover up or explain away behavior and physical marks related to abuse.

Signs of physical elder abuse include strange or unexplained bruising or injuries, loss of confidence, loss of liveliness, bedsores, medication errors, dehydration or malnutrition, neglect, and mental anguish. These victims are often shut-in, or rely solely on the abuser for care.

Protect Yourself and Your Family with the Help of Our Contra Costa Elder Abuse Lawyers

Each year, countless older Californians are targeted through financial and physical abuse. With the help of the Contra Costa elder abuse lawyers at the Evans Law Firm, Inc., you can protect your older family members and loved ones from falling victim to these terrible scenarios. Our attorneys represent clients throughout Contra Costa who have been harmed financially or physically, or family members who are seeking restitution for their loved ones’ sufferings. If you suspect abuse of any kind, contact an Evans Law Firm attorney at 415-441-8669 for a consultation today.

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"Contacted Ingrid on an elder financial abuse case - she was responsive, knowledgeable, and easy to work with. You can tell she is passionate about this area of law and has the experience to back it up. She is an excellent choice if you are looking for a results driven attorney and highly effective advocate."
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