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Mar 11, 2015 by |

Lincoln Benefit Life Company Under Investigation by California Insurance Fraud Attorneys


California insurance fraud attorneys are investigating potential claims against Lincoln Benefit Life Company related to the sale of both annuity and life insurance policies.

Lincoln Benefit Life Company’s website states that the company was acquired by Resolution Life, a specialty U.S. life insurance company with institutional investors, in 2014. Lincoln Benefit Life is no longer writing new business and is only providing customer service to existing customers.

The website of Lincoln Benefit Life also now states, “LBL cannot and will not change the terms of your policy or any guaranteed elements. Your contract is still with LBL. LBL will manage policy benefits in line with its prior practices and the life insurance industry in general.”

With locations throughout California, The Evans Law Firm handles both insurance and annuity fraud cases. If you are a Lincoln Benefit Life annuity or life policy holder and would like a free and confidential initial consultation, please contact Evans Law Firm, Inc. at 415-441-8669 or via email at

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