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Sep 2, 2015 by |

Involuntary Manslaughter Charges Against Nursing Facility


The Attorney General filed charges of elder abuse alleging that Verdugo Valley Skilled Nursing & Wellness Centre LLC, based in Montrose, California, failed to provide the necessary care to a resident who suffered from burns, resulting in his death. The criminal charges indicate that James Populus, who had suffered severe burns two decades ago, was grossly neglected by nursing staff and doctors, who examined him far fewer times than required by law and failed to provide the level of care needed. The result was severe weight loss, pneumonia, and sepsis which ultimately led to multiple system failure. Charges have been filed against the Director of Nursing, Alexiuse San Mateo, who faces 9 years in prison, and the Supervising Nurse, Consuelo Policarpio, who faces 7 years in prison. Both also face $10,000 fines, as does Verdugo Valley LLC.

The charges also allege that staff delayed making 911 calls, failed to document critical changes in the patient’s condition, and falsified medical records. During Populus’ time as a patient, none of his change of condition forms were signed by a doctor, and the doctor listed as his treating physician had never visited him at the facility.

The case emerged from an investigation conducted by the California Department of Justice’s Bureau of Medical Fraud and Elder Abuse. Kamala Harris has created specialized teams in Los Angeles and Sacramento to protect Californians from elder abuse and prevent low quality of care in California’s nursing homes.

If you or a loved one have been mistreated by those entrusted with providing care, contact Evans Law Firm, trusted San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys, at (415) 441 8669 or

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