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Mar 25, 2015 by |

Healthcare-Related Qui Tam Cases Recently Unsealed


Nineteen healthcare-related qui tam (false claims) cases were unsealed at the end of 2014. These cases were from federal district courts in 13 different states.

Unsealed filings show that the government affirmatively declined intervention in 10 of those 19 recently unsealed cases. The government intervened in 3 of the cases, and the government’s intervention was unclear from the unsealed filings in the remaining 6 cases.

Ten of the 19 cases involved both state and federal claims. In three of the cases, the whistleblower claimed relief under state or federal anti-whistleblower retaliation provision. 70% of relators were either current or former employees of the defendant.

Claims included falsely billing for prescription drugs that were dispensed without a proper prescription, and falsely certifying that the various nursing homes and assisted living facilities had obtained and kept on file certifications of need for skilled nursing care.

Evans Law Firm, Inc., has offices in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Sonoma, and handles whistleblower and qui tam/false claims cases. Please contact the Evans Law Firm, Inc. at 415-441-8669 or at if you believe you have a qui tam claim.

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