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Mar 11, 2013 by |

Former Deutsche Bank Employee Files Suit For Alleged Retaliation

-Attorney Newsletter-


A former Deutsche Bank employee has filed a lawsuit against the bank for alleged retaliation that occurred after he questioned bank discrepancies and charges to customers that he alleges were caused by the bank’s failure to invest in adequate systems. The claim asserts that the bank’s systems caused outages, mailed statements to the incorrect addresses and to the wrong customers and that the bank failed to keep monies used for trading separate from customers’ money.

The plaintiff alleges that he began reporting problems to management in August 2010 via emails, phone calls and in person but his concerns went unheeded.  He also alleges that another employee downgraded a status indicator from “red”, representing a significant loss to the bank, to “amber”. Other allegations include a $6 billion discrepancy after a 24-hour system outage in which account balances did not reconcile when the system identified the transactions as “undetermined”; and $1 million in overcharges to customers following a system upgrade in November 2011.  The plaintiff alleges that the bank did not notify the customers of the problems.

The plaintiff was dismissed from his position in operations in January 2012. He alleges that the bank did not give a reason for the dismissal.

 If you are aware of wrong-doing at your place of business and have reported it, you may feel your employer has retaliated as a result of the reporting. Protect yourself with the help of a qualified attorney. Contact Evans Law Firm, Inc., or 415-441-8669.  Evans Law Firm, Inc. litigates in matters of corporate and government wrong-doing  including fraud, waste and retaliation against employees who report such activities.


About Evans Law Firm, Inc.   San Francisco, CA

Evans Law Firm, Inc. litigates in matters involving IRS tax fraud, securities fraud, Qui Tam (whistleblower/false claims), whistleblower reward lawsuits , retaliation and employment litigation,  consumer fraud class actions concerning insurance and banking fraud claims, consumer product liability and personal injury/wrongful death cases, asbestos-mesothelioma, pharmaceutical product liability and elder abuse and financial exploitation.

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