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What Are My Options If I’m Discriminated Against?

California has strict laws prohibiting many different kinds of employment discrimination, including discrimination on the basis of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, and advanced age.  The federal government also has many anti-discrimination laws that apply in California, including laws found in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as well as the Age Discrimination in Employment Act and the Americans With Disabilities Act.

Laws prohibiting discrimination can be violated by employers who take discrimination into account in any of the terms and conditions of employment. If an employer considers a person’s protected status – like his race or age or disability status or gender identity – when making a decision on hiring, firing, promotions, benefits, or any other employment factor, the employee has legal remedies.   If you are treated differently at work by your peers who create a hostile work environment due to your protected status, your employer can also be held accountable if the company does not take steps to stop the harassing behavior.

A California employment discrimination lawyer at The Evans Law Firm can provide assistance in pursuing an appropriate remedy that will stop the discriminatory behavior and allow you to recover compensation for damages. Our firm has experience handling employment discrimination claims against some of the biggest companies in California and the U.S., and we are not afraid to fight for you. Give us a call today to find out more.

Your Options if You’re the Victim of Discrimination

If you are the victim of unlawful discrimination, it is up to you how you wish to respond to the unlawful behavior.  

One option is to make a discrimination claim with the California Department of Fair Housing and Employment (DFEH). Because California has broader anti-discrimination laws that apply to more employers and apply in more situations, making a complaint to this state agency may be necessary if the discrimination that you were subject to is illegal under state but not federal law.

Another option is to make a claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The EEOC enforces federal anti-discrimination laws, so you will need to ensure your complaint is one that arises under rules applicable nationwide and not just state-level anti-discrimination statutes.

Many people who are victimized by unlawful workplace discrimination also want to pursue their own civil claims in state or federal court. When you go to court and sue your employer, you can obtain legal remedies including a court order that you be reinstated if you were fired for unlawful discrimination or if you had to quit your job because a hostile work environment made it impossible for you to remain on the job. You can also obtain monetary compensation for the losses that were caused to you by your employer’s unlawful discrimination.

The Evans Law Firm will help you to determine which course of action is likely to result in the best overall outcome to help you obtain the best legal remedies based on the discrimination you faced. Contact us to find out more about how our firm can assist you.

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