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How Can You Stop Physical Elder Abuse in a Nursing Home?

The California and Santa Clara County nursing home abuse lawyers at Evans Law Firm, Inc. know there is an epidemic of nursing home abuse happening throughout the state of California. The population is aging, so more people need care– but unfortunately, nursing homes are often understaffed, they don’t provide appropriate training, or they don’t conduct appropriate background checks on the people they hire.

The result is that abuse is common and is growing worse despite California laws protecting seniors against such abuse. It is unlawful for nursing home staff members or any other caregivers to abuse seniors. An experienced California nursing home abuse attorney at Evans Law Firm can provide help in responding to suspected abuse so that the abuse can be investigated and the behavior can be stopped.

Evans Law Firm has helped many nursing home residents and their families put an end to abusive behavior and we bring our compassion and experience to your situation. Give us a call as soon as you suspect abuse, as the consequences of physical elder abuse can be dire if the abuse continues.

What are Your Options for Stopping Physical Elder Abuse?

Elder abuse is very often a criminal act. If you suspect ongoing abuse, you can contact law enforcement and provide information. If the details that you offer make you seem credible, an investigation should be launched by police into the alleged abusers.  If abuse is occurring and is an emergency, you can also contact 911 to provide information on what is happening and to get an immediate response.

There are also agencies in California that are specifically dedicated to protecting the rights of patients in nursing homes or other long-term care facilities. The Long-Term Care Ombudsman, for example, was created to advocate for patients’ rights. The Ombudsman has a CRISIS line where complaints about suspected elder abuse can be made 24 hours a day, seven days per week. You can contact the crisis line at 1-800-231-4024.

The Bureau of Medi-Cal Fraud and Elder Abuse is another resource that you can make a complaint to. Complaints can be made when nursing home patients engage in both abusive behavior and neglectful behavior. If a senior is being physically abused by a caregiver, or is suffering from bedsores, malnutrition or other neglect-related issues, a complaint can be filed with the Bureau. The Bureau runs a variety of programs to stop elder abuse and will investigate and prosecute when problems arise.  There is a hotline to file a complaint with the Bureau, which can be reached at 800-722-0432. Complaints can also be submitted online using a convenient form.

After reporting abuse, it can take time for an investigation to take place and action to be undertaken. In addition to reporting abuse to the authorities, always pursue your civil remedies against the wrongdoers as well.  If the abuse occurred in a nursing home, consult with a nursing home abuse lawyers to file a lawsuit for abuse or neglect. A civil claim can hold nursing care facilities liable for actions of negligent or abusive staff. Because nursing care facilities must pay damages to victims, suing can provide strong incentive for the nursing home policies to change after a lawsuit.  You may be entitled to extra damages under California law and an award by the court of any attorneys’ fees incurred as a result of bringing your actions against the abusers.

Evans Law Firm has helped many patients take action to stop abuse. Our firm prides itself on protecting vulnerable seniors and helping victims to obtain monetary damages when abuse causes harm. Give us a call today at 415-441-8669 or contact us online to find out more.

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