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Jul 13, 2018 by |

Elder Abuse: Caught on Camera

Elder abuse is a major problem throughout the United States and one big issue is that many of the victims of elder abuse are unable to speak up or provide sufficient evidence for action to be taken. Seniors are often vulnerable to abuse because they have dementia or other conditions that prevent them from being reliable witnesses or render them unable to identify their abusers and explain what has occurred.

Marin County elder abuse attorneys provide help in suspected cases of elder abuse and work with senior victims and their family members to pursue claims for compensation for damages when abuse occurs. Experienced attorneys understand how to gather the necessary evidence to demonstrate that abusive behavior has occurred – but there are always challenges in every situation when seniors have a hard time articulating the wrongful behaviors that are being perpetrated upon them.

In some cases, states are taking action to help catch abusers in novel ways when elder abuse is suspected. For example, NBC News recently reported that some states are loaning out cameras in order to capture unreported elder abuse or to build a case against abusers when police struggle to gather the necessary evidence to take action.

States Loan Out Cameras to Help Catch Elder Abusers

According to NBC News, there are several states that have initiated pilot programs to hand out free surveillance cameras to family members of suspected abuse victims.  The Attorney General of Wisconsin, which is the second state to put this type of program in place, indicates that the state’s program should help to make it more difficult for abusers to prey upon seniors because more evidence will be available for prosecutions and because those considering engaging in unlawful behavior will know that there is a threat of being recorded.

However, some elder care advocates have expressed concern that these types of programs could be considered government-sanctioned private spying and could be undermining the privacy of elderly residents. There is little oversight, some advocates state, and they worry that when the government provides these cameras, it constitutes an expansion of government surveillance powers into private nursing home spaces.

The agencies that are managing the pilot program have spent around $1,200 on equipment for the first phase of the project, and the available cameras are loaned out for a period of 30 days. Those who support the program say that people can already place cameras to try to catch signs of nursing home abuse, but the state is just making the process easier by making the cameras available to people who might not otherwise have access to the equipment needed to catch abuse on video.

Obtaining video surveillance is just one possible way to try to ensure there is sufficient evidence of abuse, which is important for both criminal proceedings and civil proceedings. Marin County elder abuse attorneys can provide help to those involved in civil cases to obtain the necessary evidence to prove a claim for damages and get the abuse victim or his family the compensation that he deserves.

To find out more about how a compassionate and knowledgeable attorney can help you in elder abuse cases, contact Evans Law Firm online or call 415-441-8669 for a free initial consultation today.

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