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Feb 16, 2016 by |

Elder Abuse by Your Own Family


In California, elder abuse occurs when one takes advantage of the real or personal property of a senior who is over the age of 65. Recently, a case was related of a senior who was financially abused by his own daughter. She stole $320,000.00 from him by draining her father’s bank account over the course of 2 years and leaving him virtually penniless. He had to sell his home in order to pay back the debts created by his daughter in his name. Now, he is 83 years old, living in a rest home and suffers from poor health.

In this case, it was a betrayal from within. It was his own daughter whom he trusted and loved who has taken advantage of him. Flesh of your flesh, blood of your blood means nothing. You have to be aware and get a pragmatic mind; your feelings should not blind you. But as Blaise Pascal said, the heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing. Could you not trust your own family when you need them? Should you be paranoid? How could you avoid this situation?

The best advice is: the more people are involved, the more you will be safe. It is like a democracy: don’t give all the power to one person, and be sure to share the power between the people you trust. So even if you don’t have the capacity to take care about yourself, you would know that if someone would take advantage of you, someone else would protect you.

Also, warn your bank counselor to alert you and all your powers of attorney about every unusual banking activity.

Prevention is the key to reduce all probability of a lawsuit. But sometimes, the wrongdoing is done. At this point, you should to contact an attorney who handles the elder abuse case.
If you know of any elder abuse or fraud, or others, contact the Evans Law Firm at (415) 441-8669, or by email at Evans Law Firm handles financial and physical elder abuse and nursing home abuse, as well as qui tam and whistleblower cases, healthcare, insurance, annuity, and banking fraud.

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"I contacted Attorney Ingrid Evans for advice about a financial elder abuse case. She was extremely knowledgeable, bright and informative. I highly recommend her. I am an attorney myself, and know when I am talking to a another excellent attorney."
Posted By: Terry Kolkey Attorney

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