In February, The Department of Health and Human Services created a report that shows the poor care given to elderly residents in Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF) and their plans to enforce government requirements. Statistics show overwhelming evidence that SNFs are not following basic procedures to ensure patients are receiving the necessary care. For example, one statistic in the report presents that for one in every five patients at an SNF, care providers do not address health concerns and problems (i.e. prescription drug usage, dosage amounts, etc.) in care plans to ensure proper care. This deficient standard of care creates high risk for potential physical elder abuse. The Department of Health also mentions a grave concern about the care provided in nursing and/or assisted living facilities after spending $5.1 billion in taxpayer money to these facilities.
The Evans Law Firm is available to assist in nursing home/skilled nursing home and assisted nursing home abuse and neglect cases. Call 415-441-8669 or at info@evanslaw.com for a free and confidential consultation about your rights.