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Jul 18, 2017 by |

Contra Costa County and California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Financial Elder Abuse Crime


Financial Elder Abuse

Importance of Civil Recovery Actions

Financial elder abuse is often criminal. Whether you’re a victim or a loved one, always report criminal financial elder abuse to law enforcement. But always pursue your civil remedies too. Criminal prosecutions are important but they are lengthy and not the best way to recover money, although you may get restitution of lost funds. California affords broad civil remedies – beyond restitution – to elder abuse victims and we at Evans Law Firm have years of experience representing victims in civil actions against all manner of abusers: insurance agents, brokers, scam artists, embezzling family members, caregivers, and nursing homes, to name but a few. If you or someone you know is the victim of financial elder abuse, call Evans Law Firm today at 415-441-8669. We only represent those in the State of California.

Why Civil Cases Matter

Law enforcement plays a critical role in the war on financial elder abuse. But remember that law enforcement represents the State in prosecution of crimes; it does not represent the victim nor is the primary aim of a prosecution to get your money back. That’s where lawyers with experience in financial elder abuse come in. Your lawyer’s sole aim is to represent you and do everything legally possible to get your money back and extra, or punitive, damages if the abuse was especially heinous. We at Evans Law Firm have years of experience representing seniors for just that purpose. We work on financial elder abuse cases every day. Call us when you first suspect a problem.


If you’re a senior or the loved one of a senior be cautious in all financial matters. Know that anyone could be a potential financial predator. That’s a hard dose of reality, but true. We cannot stress enough that you should seek professional help whenever you first suspect financial elder abuse. Seek the advice of people you trust. Do not relinquish authority over finances or access to a checkbook or credit cards to anyone unless it’s someone you completely trust. Don’t respond to door-to-door or phone or internet solicitations for money; these are the most recurring types of financial elder abuse. Lastly, if you’re a senior, don’t isolate; let loved ones and longtime friends and professionals help you just as you helped them in your younger years. It’s important. As we Golden State Warriors fans know, there’s strength in numbers!

Contact Us

If you or a loved one been the victim of financial elder abuse in Contra Costa County, or in any California county, contact the Evans Law Firm financial elder abuse attorneys at (415) 441-8669, or by email at Our attorneys have experience with all types of financial elder abuse, investment and securities fraud and annuity fraud. We can help guide your case through a jury trial, through a FINRA arbitration, or toward an equitable settlement. We handle cases involving physical and financial elder abuse, qui tam and whistleblower law, nursing home abuse, whole life insurance and universal life insurance, and indexed, variable, and fixed annuities.

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"Contacted Ingrid on an elder financial abuse case - she was responsive, knowledgeable, and easy to work with. You can tell she is passionate about this area of law and has the experience to back it up. She is an excellent choice if you are looking for a results driven attorney and highly effective advocate."
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