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Category: Whistleblower

California and San Francisco Whistleblower and Consumer Attorneys: Securities Fraud Whistleblowers

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Tesla Whistleblowers File Embattled Tesla Denies the Claims Over this past summer, two former Tesla employees filed formal tips with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) alleging misrepresentations and omissions by the automobile manufacturer in information provided investors.[1]  Both tipsters claim they were fired by Tesla in […]

May 31, 2018 - Whistleblower by |

The SEC Whistleblower Program

Unfortunately, fraud is very common and it is often not discovered until investors have experienced a substantial amount of loss. A California whistleblower attorney at Evans Law Firm can provide representation to those who have been defrauded in connection with financial products. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) urges insiders […]

Apr 18, 2018 - Whistleblower by |

Whistleblowers Help Curb Fraud

Fraud is far too common within the financial services industry, and victims of dishonest behavior by financial professionals need to consult with a California whistleblower attorney to understand the options available to them for pursuing a remedy. Unfortunately, identifying and proving that fraud has occurred can be difficult in most […]

Apr 17, 2018 - Evans Law Firm by |

California Whistleblower Attorneys: Whistleblower Victory

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Whistleblower Prevails Against Corporation Many California whistleblower/qui tam cases are brought under the False Claims Act when the whistleblower (also known as a “relator”) has information of false claims being made for government payments or reimbursements. In order to dissuade whistleblowers from bringing such enforcement actions, corporations often […]

Mar 27, 2018 - Evans Law Firm by |

San Francisco and California Whistleblower Attorneys: Securities and Exchange Commission Whistleblower Awards

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Securities and Exchange Commission Whistleblower Awards Last year alone the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) received over 4400 tips about securities fraud from whistleblowers and other complainants. During the course of 2017, the SEC awarded nearly $50 million in whistleblower awards to individuals with new information leading to […]

Mar 7, 2018 - Evans Law Firm by |

California and San Francisco Whistleblower and Tax Fraud Attorneys: Whistleblower Incentives

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Bipartisan Budget Act Enhances Whistleblower Awards The recently enacted Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 includes two important provisions favoring whistleblower awards in tax avoidance whistleblower cases, False Claims Act cases, and securities fraud whistleblower cases. The San Francisco County and California whistleblower/qui tam attorneys at Evans Law Firm […]

Feb 27, 2018 - Evans Law Firm by |

California Whistleblower Attorneys: Securities and Exchange Commission Whistleblower Cases

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Securities and Exchange Commission Whistleblower Program When Congress included whistleblower provisions in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (“Dodd-Frank”), the program faced considerable opposition. Many large banks and companies, along with the Chamber of Commerce, argued that it would cut against existing compliance efforts and provide an […]

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