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Nov 15, 2018 - Evans Law Firm by |

Government Announces Another Large Whistleblower Settlement

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER False Claims Act Cases Against Healthcare Industry Government Announces Another Large Whistleblower Settlement With help from whistleblowers, the government pursues companies and contractors who defraud the government with false claims for payment or reimbursement. The majority of false claims come from the healthcare industry. Typically, whistleblowers initiate recovery […]

Jul 4, 2018 - Uncategorized by |

San Francisco and California Whistleblower Attorney: Federal and California False Claims Whistleblower Cases

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Awards in Federal and California False Claims Whistleblower Cases Both the federal government and the State of California reward whistleblowers who bring actions for false payment or reimbursement claims submitted to the government. The cases are brought under either the federal False Claims Act for federal claims (false […]

Jun 20, 2018 - Uncategorized by |

San Francisco and California Annuities and Securities Attorneys: Variable Annuities

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER A Closer Look At Variable Annuities Variable annuities are complex annuity contracts with securities and insurance features. Returns on variable annuities fluctuate with the market making these complicated contracts especially dangerous for seniors. The complexity and confusion surrounding the terms of variable annuities can lead to questionable sales […]

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"After a year of frustration working with the insurance husband and I contacted Evans Law Firm. What a relief...within a month we had come to a resolution that was exceptable by all parties...THANK YOU EVANS LAW FIRM!"
Posted By: Linda Dieringer

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