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Category: Uncategorized

Oct 30, 2013 - Elder Abuse by |

Elder Abuse Goes Unpunished in California

In California, elder abuse lawyers are reporting a disturbing trend—an alarmingly high number of financial and physical abuse cases against older people are going unresolved. California’s Department of Public Health has a myriad of laws in place to ensure that health care workers such as live-in caretakers and assisted living […]

Jul 26, 2013 - Class Action by |

Bankers Life & Casualty Insurance Co. is the Target of a Class Action Lawsuit over Long-Term Care Insurance

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Bankers Life & Casualty Insurance Company is accused of denying legitimate claims for long-term care to elderly patients in a federal class action lawsuit filed earlier this year.  Bankers Life & Casualty Insurance Co. is alleged to have committed elder abuse because it denied and delayed long-term care […]

Jul 12, 2013 - Uncategorized by |

Elder Abuse: The New Silent Epidemic?

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Elder abuse has become a serious problem in America; according to some studies, the National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) reports, up to 10% of seniors have been victims of at least one incident of abuse. This mistreatment can take a variety of forms, including neglect, physical, psychological, or emotional […]

May 29, 2013 - Uncategorized by |

The federal government depends on individuals to expose for-profit nursing homes that overcharge Medicare and these individuals are compensated for their assistance

By The Evans Law Firm of The Evans Law Firm on Wednesday, May 29, 2013. -ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER- Inflating the price of services and equipment to Medicare or overbilling is an unfortunate reality facing the government. This activity results from a variety of sources including for-profit nursing homes, which comprises of […]

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