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Category: Uncategorized

Sep 12, 2015 - Bay Area by |

California IRS Whistleblower Attorney | Evans Law Firm

Why Protecting Whistleblowers Pays Dividends ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER At a time when businesses and governments seem more eager than ever to cover up their wrongdoings, it’s worth asking what benefit there is in strong whistleblower protections. The benefit to the whistleblower is obvious: these protections enable them to act on their […]

Sep 5, 2015 - Assisted Living by |

California Nursing Homes Try to Stack the Deck

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER What does it say about the California nursing home industry that they’re rewarding employees with raffle tickets for an iPod if they flood California Medicare & Medicaid Services with comments? Nothing good, certainly. This petty tactic is being deployed by lobbyists for the nursing home industry to try […]

Feb 19, 2014 - Uncategorized by |

2014 Nursing Home Reform Package

California legislators have recently proposed several new measures that aim to improve conditions in nursing and assisted living homes across the country. After a few public disasters that left several of the state’s most vulnerable residents in deplorable living conditions, lawmakers are working to ensure that California’s largest age group […]

Feb 17, 2014 - False Claims by |

Three Convictions in Medicare Fraud Case

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Three people were recently convicted by a federal jury on charges related to Medicare fraud.  The trial lasted 13 days and the defendants were found guilty of conspiracy to commit health care fraud, health care fraud, and conspiracy to pay and receive kickbacks involving the Medicare Program.  The […]

Feb 5, 2014 - Elder Abuse by |

Potential Medicare Fraud and Abuse

For most Californians aged 65 and older, Medicare and Medicaid services are essential to their wellbeing, and many residents rely on these insurance and medical care providers for daily medications, routine doctor’s visits, and long-term care. But suspected problems within the federally-run programs could constitute abuse, elder abuse attorneys in […]

Jan 23, 2014 - Uncategorized by |

Things to Consider with Your Estate Plan

Making preparations for dividing up your estate, assets, and possessions is not an easy task, but it is necessary for older Californians to prepare themselves in order to take care of the people they love. Estate planning involves taking stock of your personal wealth and possessions, as well as making […]

5 Safe-Driving Tips for Seniors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER                                                                                                                                                                                               Guest Blog Post – Evans Law Firm Tip #1: Get Your Vision and Hearing Checked Annually Being able to see and hear well is key when a driver is behind the wheel. After all, 90% of a driver’s reaction time is dependent upon their vision. Make sure […]

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"The Evans Law Firm has great attorneys that are relentless, with exemplary performance and energy devoted to my case. My case would not have resolved without Ms. Evans - a tireless attorney that will not give up or stop until the case is resolved successfully."
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