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Category: San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse

Marin And San Francisco Bay Area Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: In-Home Caregiver Accused Of Stealing Over $100,000 From Elderly Couple

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Suspect Reportedly Befriended Elderly Couple Obtained And Misused Wife’s Power Of Attorney Allegedly Obtained Fraudulent Loan And Made Unauthorized Purchases Elderly victims of financial elder abuse are often preyed upon in their own homes by dishonest in-home caregivers.  Sometimes the theft is as straightforward as taking cash or […]

Marin and San Francisco Bay Area Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Financial Advisor Admits Stealing From Elderly Clients

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER More Than $1 Million Stolen Victims Are 96 And 84 Years Old Money Allegedly Withdrawn Over Three-Year Period While any senior can be victims of financial elder abuse, the older a senior gets, the more at risk they are and those who suffer from dementia are particularly vulnerable. […]

Marin And San Francisco Bay Area Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Facility Caregiver Accused Of Stealing From Two Elderly Facility Residents

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER One Victim’s Son First Alerts Police Over 100 Fraudulent Card Charges Alleged Resident Unable To Pay Rent Due To Depleted Account Balance Elderly victims of financial elder abuse are often preyed upon in their own homes by dishonest in-home caregivers.  But elderly persons residing in nursing homes or […]

San Francisco Bay Area Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Accused Of Stealing From Elderly Client

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Elderly Victim’s Daughter Notices Irregularities Caregiver Allegedly Ordered Debit Card Sent To Her Address Missing Bank Statements Unauthorized debit and credit card charges are common forms of financial elder abuse.  Dishonest caregivers with access to checks and debit and credit cards are often the perpetrators of these forms […]

Marin And San Francisco Bay Area Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregivers Charged With Stealing From Elderly Client

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Police Bring Felony Charges Accused Of Forgery And Financial Exploitation Of Elderly Person 87-Year-Old Reported Victim Forgery of stolen checks, forger credit card applications, and unauthorized debit and credit card charges are common forms of financial elder abuse.  Dishonest caregivers with access to checks and credit cards are […]

San Francisco Bay Area Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Arrest For Financial Elder Abuse Of 89-Year-Old Woman In Her Own Home

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER 89-Year-Old Victim At Home Stranger Steals Credit Cards And Cash Defendant Allegedly Has Prior Violent Felony Conviction No one should ever let a stranger in their home.  Particularly if you are an older person living alone.  A dishonest stranger can rapidly take advantage of an isolated senior, as […]

Marin And San Francisco Bay Area Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregivers Arrested For Making Thousands In Unauthorized Purchases On Elderly Patients’ Credit Cards

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Victims In Same Assisted Care Facility Daughter Of One Resident Noticed Door Dash Charges Caregiver Claims Elders Offered Help Unauthorized debit and credit card charges are a common form of financial elder abuse.  Dishonest caregivers can strike quickly when they get their hands on a card and run […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Authorities Claims Caregiver Stole More Than $100,000 From Elderly Couple

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Caregiver Allegedly Accessed Bank Accounts Leased Car In Senior’s Name Took Out A Loan In Couple’s Name While financial elder abuse may consist of theft of cash or unauthorized use of credit cards, some financial elder abuse consists of that plus elaborate schemes of loans, estate planning changes, […]

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