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Category: San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse

Mar 20, 2023 - Annuities Fraud by |

Santa Clara County Financial Elder Abuse And Annuity Attorney: Deferred Annuities Unsuitable For Older Persons

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Penalized When You Need Your Money Back No Control Over How Your Money Is Invested Commissions, Contract Fees And Caps On Returns Deferred annuities are long-term insurance contracts which require you to lose control over your investment, and some annuities may earn little to no interest.  If you […]

Marin County Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Use Of Financial Powers Of Attorney To Defraud Seniors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Attorneys-in-Fact Have Broad Powers How That Power Is Abused Remedies For Senior Victims Financial powers of attorney (POAs) grant full authority over a person’s financial affairs. Medical powers of attorney, known in California as an Advance Health Care Directives (AHCDs), grant authority over medical decisions and health care […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Arrested For Allegedly Attempting To Overdose Victim With Medication

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Caregiver Had Senior’s Power Of Attorney And Stood To Inherit Estate Allegedly Laced Peanut Butter With Trazodone Police Find Drug-Laced Peanut Butter Financial elder abuse of seniors by dishonest in-home caregivers runs the gamut from petty theft to attempts to take everything the senior owns.  Common modes of […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Bank Teller Sentenced For Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Bank Teller Created False Counter Checks On Senior’s Account Embezzled Over $349,000 Relative Of Victim Discovers Fraud Seniors are at risk of financial elder abuse from all corners of their lives.  Dishonest in-home caregivers and nursing home aides, bookkeepers, insurance agents, trustees, brokers, strangers, contractors and, as a […]

California and San Francisco Elder Abuse Attorney: Elder Abuse Legislation Introduced

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Sen. Bill Dodd (D-Napa) Introduces Bill For Greater Elder Protection More Responsibility On Banks To Protect Seniors From Abuse Sen. Bill Dodd, D-Napa, introduced legislation recently that would strengthen elder and dependent adult financial abuse protections by clarifying the duties of banks and financial institutions to safeguard against […]

Marin Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Arrested For Alleged Theft of $30,000 From Senior

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Caregiver Allegedly Used Victim’s Debit Card To Steal $30,000 Taken By ATM Withdrawals Financial Abuse Took Place Over 1 ½ Year Period Unauthorized ATM withdrawals are a common form of financial elder abuse.  If a dishonest caregiver has access to a debit card and can find (or create […]

San Francisco Financial Dependent Adult Abuse Attorney: Grand Jury Charges Two With Multi-Million Dollar Caregiver Fraud Scheme

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Hair Stylist And Partner Charged Accused of Taking $2.7 Million Physician Victim Suffered From Mental Illness Strangers who inveigle their way into older or dependent person’s lives can really take advantage of the situation if there is no one watching out for the older or dependent adult’s interests. […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Pleads Guilty To Large Theft From Elderly Couple

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER $300,000 Allegedly Stolen Accusations Of Forged Checks And Other Crimes Numerous Unauthorized Online Transfers Seniors living at home under the care of an in-home caregiver are at risk of financial elder abuse especially if there is no one keeping an eye out on their financial affairs. When caregiver […]

Santa Clara County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Take Action Against Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Financial Elder Abuse Rising Important Steps For Prote4cting Seniors Remedies For Financial Elder Abuse Financial exploitation of older Americans is not the inevitable consequence of growing old but the sad reality for millions of seniors in America every year. Seniors of every economic level, married or single, male […]

Marin Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Broker Sentences For Defrauding Older Investors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Defendant Was Accountant And Financial Advisor To Elderly Promised High Rates Of Return Several Victims Lost Life Savings Financial predators may target older investors with high-yield ventures, seizing on senior anxiety about the stock market, their need for future income, escalating inflation, and rising health care costs. The […]

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"Contacted Ingrid on an elder financial abuse case - she was responsive, knowledgeable, and easy to work with. You can tell she is passionate about this area of law and has the experience to back it up. She is an excellent choice if you are looking for a results driven attorney and highly effective advocate."
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