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Category: San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Charged With Identity Theft, Financial Exploitation Of Elderly Woman

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Police Say Thousands Spent On Online Gambling Platforms 85-Year-Old Victim Protecting Older Loved Ones Online account access and unauthorized use of debit and credit cards are two of the most widely seen kinds of theft from older persons.  The perpetrator of such theft is often a dishonest caregiver […]

San Francisco Bay Area Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Charged In Theft Of Jewelry From Elderly Patients

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Caregiver Arrested For Theft Of Jewelry Over $70,000 In Stolen Jewelry Suspected Remedies For Seniors And Their Families Any time a caregiver or other stranger enters a senior’s home, there is a risk of financial elder abuse. Cash, checks, and credit cards may be stolen, and silver, jewelry […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Fraud On 94-Year-Old

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER $1 Million Missing From Elder’s Accounts Fraudulent Checks And Phony “Gifts” Remedies For Seniors And Their Families Older persons lose more than $3 billion annually as a result of financial elder abuse, according to FBI and National Institute of Justice statistics. The true figure is likely much, much […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Charged In Theft From Elderly Couple

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Caregiver Allegedly Goes On Spree With Seniors’ Debit Card 15 Unauthorized Charges Alleged Remedies For Seniors And Their Families Unauthorized use of seniors’ credit and debit cards is a common type of fraud perpetrated on seniors by dishonest caregivers or other strangers with access to an elderly person’s […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: The Professor, The Caregiver And The Missing $30 Million

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Professor’s Estate Left To Wife’s Caregiver Estate Attorneys Claim Coercion And Undue Influence Protecting Older Loved Ones Isolated seniors are vulnerable to financial exploitation from many directions.  Such isolated older persons are particularly vulnerable to financial exploitation by caregivers.  The exploitation can be relatively minor in monetary terms […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: The Professor, The Caregiver And The Missing $30 Million

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Caregiver Takes $30 Million Estate Attorneys Claim Coercion And Undue Influence Protecting Older Loved Ones Isolated seniors are vulnerable to financial exploitation from many directions.  Such isolated older persons are particularly vulnerable to financial exploitation by caregivers.  The exploitation can be relatively minor in monetary terms in some […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Arrested For Identity Theft Of Elderly Patients

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Stolen Identities Of Patients Alleged Victim’s Family Spots Unauthorized Transactions Protecting Older Loved Ones Unauthorized purchases and unauthorized online access to a senior’s bank accounts are recurring forms of financial elder abuse.  We at Evans Law Firm, Inc. see these kind of financial elder abuse cases practically every […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Staggering New Statistics On Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER U.S. Treasury Department Unit Releases Report $27 Billion In Elder Financial Suspicious Activities Protecting Older Loved Ones Recent statistics, released by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, and discussed below, indicate that the financial toll of financial elder abuse is possibly as much as $27 billion annually. All […]

San Francisco Bay Area Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Financial Power Of Attorney Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER How Dishonest Agents Use Powers Of Attorney To Steal Case Example Of Theft Civil Remedies For POA Abuse Powers of attorney are incredibly powerful legal instruments. The scope of the appointed attorney-in-fact’s powers is set by law and, unless specifically limited, extends to almost every form of financial […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Financial Elder Abuse By Caregivers

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Case Example Forged Checks Alleged Preventing Financial Elder Abuse Financial elder abuse is a tragic and enormous problem in this country.  Older persons lose more than $3 billion annually as a result of financial elder abuse, according to FBI and National Institute of Justice statistics. The true figure […]

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