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Category: San Francisco elder abuse

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Arrested For Allegedly Stealing Over $900,000 From Elderly Woman

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Online Bank Transfers Victim Abandoned For Hours Victim Found Wandering In Road No one should ever let a stranger in their home.  Particularly if you are an older person living alone.  A dishonest stranger posing as a caregiver can rapidly take advantage of an isolated senior.  When a […]

Marin County Elder And Dependent Adult Abuse Attorney: Physical And Financial Elder Abuse Of Elderly Veteran Alleged

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Continued Physical Abuse Alleged Victim’s Checkbook Allegedly Stolen Allegations Of Physical Violence Against Victim Evans Law Firm, Inc. represent victims of physical and financial elder and dependent adult abuse.  In certain cases, the elder or dependent adult victim is harmed by different kinds of abuse at the same […]

San Francisco Elder Abuse Attorney: Assisted Living Facility Sued For Wrongful Death Of Resident With Dementia

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Two Residents Dead From Alleged Poisoning Served Dishwashing Liquid Instead Of Juice Family Of One Deceased Victim Suing Facility Dementia sufferers are extremely vulnerable to abuse and neglect because they may not even be aware of what is happening to them or able to communicate about it even […]

Sep 29, 2022 - Caregiver by |

San Francisco Elder And Dependent Adult Abuse Attorney: Arrests For Assault Ad Neglect In Group Homes

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Caregiver Facing Abuse Charges Allegedly Assaulted Disabled Resident Victim Struck In Face Hundreds of thousands of Californians live in care facilities ranging from skilled nursing facilities to group homes.  Residents are typically seniors or dependent adults with disabilities conditions precluding them from living independently outside a facility. Just […]

San Mateo County Elder Abuse Attorney: Dementia Sufferer Dies At Assisted Living Facility After Being Served Dishwashing Liquid To Drink

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER 93-Year-Old Resident Dies And Two Others Hospitalized Mistakenly Served Dishwashing Liquid Instead Of Juice Police And Department Of Social Services Investigating Dementia sufferers are extremely vulnerable to abuse and neglect because they may not even be aware of what is happening to them or able to communicate about […]

San Francisco Elder And Dependent Adult Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Accused Of Dragging Disabled Patient By The Hair, Ripping It Out

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Caregiver Arrested For Appalling Abuse Allegedly Dragged Disabled Person By The Hair Charged With Dependent Adult Abuse Felony Physical assault is a crime and, when perpetrated on a senior or dependent adult, is an additional crime of elder/dependent adult abuse and grounds for civil liability for damages.  Penal […]

San Francisco Elder Abuse Attorney: Neglect and Elder Abuse In Group Homes

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Eighteen Counts Of Neglect And Elder Abuse Against Home Operator Owner Allegedly Recruited Residents Operator Allegedly Collected Government Funds Evans Law Firm, Inc. represents victims of dependent adult abuse in hospitals, nursing homes or other care facilities throughout the State of California, including small care or group homes […]

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