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Category: Medicare

Apr 16, 2015 - Assisted Living by |

San Francisco Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys Say Quality of Care Suffering in Race for Medicare Dollars

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER San Francisco nursing home abuse attorneys say that quality of care at nursing homes is suffering, as homes are competing with one another to receive Medicare funds. This competition leads nursing homes to invest in amenities to attract patients needing short-term rehab after a hospitalization for an injury […]

Feb 24, 2015 - False Claims by |

Whistleblowers Filing Qui Tam Suits Over Medicare Advantage Fraud

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER More than a half-dozen whistleblowers nationwide have recently filed qui tam/false claim lawsuits alleging systematic over-billing by Medicare Advantage plans, according to San Francisco based qui tam/fraudulent claim lawyers. Medicare Advantage allows the government to pay different amounts for senior care based on each patient’s risk score. It […]

Jan 8, 2015 - Class Action by |

Sticky Situation For Doctors And The Stark Law

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER The Stark Law prevents doctors from receiving kickbacks by referring Medicare and Medicaid patients for designated health services (DHS.) Referrals for DHS include physical therapy, occupational therapy, radiology, computerized axial tomography scans, ultrasounds, radiation services, and such. This law however, contains exceptions. Doctors may refer patients for physician […]

Unwarranted Drug Tests On Senior Citizens

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Consumer Watchdog reports that doctors across the country are committing Medicare fraud by ordering medical tests for senior citizens that are unwarranted. Senior citizens, who are the age group least likely to be addicted to illegal drugs, are being tested by their doctors for drugs, such as ecstasy, […]

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"We contacted Evans Law Firm when we were unable to collect on a Long-Term Life Insurance policy for an elderly family member. Ingrid responded almost immediately with an offer of a free consultation. I was immediately impressed with her passion for justice!!"
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