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Category: Medicare

Apr 21, 2021 - Evans Law Firm by |

Los Angeles Whistleblower Attorney: Pharmacist Kickbacks For Prescriptions Alleged

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Unlawful Kickbacks For Drug Prescriptions Alleged Luxury Goods, A New Car, And Cash Allegedly Used As Bribes Expensive Medications Neither Necessary Nor Dispensed Kickbacks for medical services and medications are against the law.  Anti-Kickback Statute, 42 U.S.C. § 1320a-7b. When the underlying services or drugs are paid for […]

May 12, 2017 - Bay Area by |

Alameda County and California Whistleblower Attorney: Department of Justice Investigates More Insurers

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Department of Justice Expands Investigation Lead By Whistleblower Allegations of Large-Scale Medicare Fraud The Department of Justice (DOJ) recently expanded its investigation of the Medicare Advantage Plan thanks to the efforts of a Medicare whistleblower. The whistleblower case (also known as a qui tam) began as an investigation […]

Feb 3, 2016 - Bay Area by |

San Francisco Qui Tam Attorneys: Nursing Home Care

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER A $125 Million Settlement Put Skilled Nursing Facilities on Notice A Qui Tam Lawsuit against the Kindred/RehabCare Nursing home company has just settled for $125 million, according to the law firm that handled the case. The claims, levied under the False Claims Act, were that nursing homes owned […]

Dec 22, 2015 - Bay Area by |

California IRS Whistleblower Lawyer, Healthcare Fraud

Hospital in California Allegedly Involved in a Healthcare Fraud Including Kickbacks, Justice Claims $600 Million in Return ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER In California, the Pacific Hospital is involved in a healthcare fraud case with an alleged $600 million in falsified billing in an eight-year period. The scheme was allegedly created by the […]

Oct 16, 2015 - Assisted Living by |

Elder Abuse in a New Guise?

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER In the wake of Governor Jerry Brown’s signing of the End of Life Option Act, California has become the sixth state in the US to allow physician assisted suicide. While the bill offers those in excruciating pain or discomfort the agency to end their own lives, some disability […]

Sep 19, 2015 - Assisted Living by |

Medicaid Discrimination at Nursing Homes

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER The Nursing Home Reform Law prohibits discrimination based on a person’s Medicaid status or eligibility. Medicaid rates, however, are often much lower than those paid by Medicare and private insurance residents, which can lead to residents being treated as second-class citizens in a nursing home. Approximately two-thirds of […]

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