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Category: Life Insurance Fraud

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Financial Elder Abuse By Life Insurance Agents

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Seniors Defrauded By Life Insurance Agents Case Examples Protecting Older Loved Ones Seniors may be victims of financial elder abuse from different directions – by caregivers, trustees, financial advisers, and life insurance agents, among others.  Obviously, all of these professions serve a useful purpose and the people who […]

California Life Insurance Attorneys: Downsides of Indexed Universal Life Insurance

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Indexed Universal Life Policy Disadvantages Escalating Premiums Complexity And Surrender Penalties Evans Law Firm, Inc. generally cautions against indexed universal life insurance and deferred annuities for senior consumers because these insurance products are expensive, complicated, and tie up invested money for long periods of time.  Deferred annuities are […]

Alameda County and California Insurance and Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Life Insurance Churning and Twisting

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Life Insurance Churning Millions of older Americans have whole life insurance policies with accumulated cash value. Typically, they were sold those policies when they were much younger as a tax deferred savings vehicle, passing the accumulation on to their children when they died.  Some insurance agents spot these […]

Aug 15, 2017 - Bay Area by |

San Francisco County and California Life Insurance Attorney: Funeral and Burial Insurance

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Burial Insurance and Life Insurance Americans spend over $800 billion per year on life insurance and funeral and burial insurance. Burial policies are a fraction of the total premium volume. Burial policies are like small whole life policies without the lifetime/cash value upside. Limits (typically $5000-25,000) and premiums […]

The Risks Associated With Indexed Universal Life Insurance: A Look at Accordia Life

Accordia Life is a subsidiary of Global Atlanta Financial Group Limited, which is a financial services group company with 9 offices and more than $40 billion in assets. Accordia Life offers annuities and life insurance policies, including several different indexed universal life insurance options. Accordia’s website describes indexed universal life […]

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"I contacted Attorney Ingrid Evans for advice about a financial elder abuse case. She was extremely knowledgeable, bright and informative. I highly recommend her. I am an attorney myself, and know when I am talking to a another excellent attorney."
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